How CockroachDB operates serverless clusters with Kubernetes
Welcome! If you find yourself here wondering What does “serverless database" even mean? you may want to start with Andy Kimball’s introduction to serverless architecture post before coming back to dive in with us here. On the flip side, if you’re already thinking How ARE you running a serverless database on Kubernetes? Sometimes, my deployments take 10 minutes to fully roll out and my eyes are fully-featured YAML parsers. Theytoldmethiswouldbebetter! — you’ve come to the right blog post.
Jay Lim
May 17, 2022
SQL Prober: Black-box monitoring in Managed CockroachDB
This blog post reflects my work as an intern this summer with the SRE team at Cockroach Labs. Earlier this year, we started building a service offering called Managed CockroachDB. While working with a group of beta customers, we found an unconventional solution to a huge problem: how do we create black-box monitoring in a distributed system?
Jay Lim
August 15, 2019