
Lewis Gunsch

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How Levven keeps your smart home on when the internet goes out

Remember when people’s vacuum cleaners and doorbells stopped working because a region of AWS went down? That won’t happen to anyone using our smart home products. Levven had been in the electronics manufacturing industry for decades before “smart technology” paved the way for “smart homes”. When that happened we saw an opportunity to help make homes more affordable by designing and manufacturing smart home controls that reduce build costs. By eliminating the wire between the wall switch and the light we can offer consumers more eco-friendly home construction saving precious resources. At Levven we added smart home controls manufacturing 5 years ago - but our cloud connectivity is new. Levven’s goal is to make homes more affordable to build, purchase, and operate for the masses with smart controls. In order to do that we need to build scale-out, low maintenance infrastructure that keeps the cost to the end user low, while also guaranteeing that our smart home controls will always work. To help us address this IoT challenge we chose CockroachDB’s managed service offering: CockroachDB Dedicated. In this blog we’ll explain how we’ve built IoT application architecture that keeps smart devices available at all times.

Lewis Gunsch

March 2, 2021

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