
Announcing ESCAPE/19: The Multi-Cloud Conference

Last edited on July 23, 2019

2 minute read

Over the past few years, cloud conferences have taken center stage in the tech world. And as the three largest public cloud providers have grown, we’ve seen each launch a proprietary conference. Re:Invent, Next and Ignite have emerged as the main forums for practitioners tp share best practices and vendors announce major product advancements.

But since these shows are run by specific cloud providers, the content is typically presented in the context of that single large cloud provider. Hybrid cloud strategy comes up at these events, but the technical complexities and business ramifications of multi-cloud deployments are barely addressed. In fact, some shows ban the word “multi-cloud” and censor it from materials as they don't want competitors to even be mentioned.

All the while, 86% of organizations are either exploring a hybrid cloud approach or already characterize their strategy as multi-cloud, according to a 2018 study conducted by Forrester and Virtustream. There’s a huge disconnect here. Many organizations are already in a multi-cloud world and are addressing some of these difficult challenges, but don’t have the forum to share best practices and learnings.

Where can we go to learn about the latest federation capabilities in orchestration platforms that will allow us to run workloads across multiple, global clouds? How are we to think about data in a multi-cloud world? How can we reduce the risk associated with standardizing on a single cloud provider? How can we control costs and gain leverage by researching multiple public cloud options? Can we get to global coverage while optimizing cost? And what about security in a multi-cloud world?

There’s a need for a new, unopinionated conference that addresses these concerns.

Enter ESCAPE/19Copy Icon

ESCAPE/19 is the first conference focused solely on these hybrid and multi-cloud issues. It’s an open forum to freely speak about multi-cloud without any preconceived opinion or predetermined context. It’s for builders, operators, and executives architecting the next generation of infrastructure. It’s for organizations that want to escape a single cloud and gain the freedom to architect their apps and services across multiple clouds. The inaugural conference will be October 16-17, 2019, in New York City.

At ESCAPE/19, leading practitioners will share the best practices that help organizations get the most out of having relationships with multiple cloud providers. It’s a gathering of the business owners of this complex architecture as well as the systems engineers and application developers that are architecting systems in a multi-cloud, global world. We would love for you to join us. Early bird tickets are now available at

Cockroach Labs, Slower and a balanced agendaCopy Icon

Data is our focus at Cockroach Labs, but there are so many additional challenges that need to be addressed. In order to help build out a balanced agenda, we’re excited to partner with stealth, multi-cloud services firm Slower to help as a founding sponsor and content partner to help curate content.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll announce a series of industry leaders and hands-on practitioners as speakers for the event. We have already secured a great list of speakers from global companies and bleeding-edge startups but are looking for more. We’ve opened the call for papers and are accepting talks that outline real-world multi-cloud issues. Great talks can be technical or business-related.

Stay tuned at or

for more news about speakers and events, or get your early bird tickets today.
