Partners > MSP & Embedded Partnerships

MSP & Embedded Partnerships

CockroachDB offers a customized approach to building out service offerings by partnering with world-class technology organizations to provide next-level consistency, ultra-resilience, data locality, and massive scale. Whether you’re looking to open up new revenue streams within your business or expand upon an existing multi-cloud offering, let CockroachDB show you why we’re the cloud-native, distributed SQL database of choice.


Skyflow was founded in 2019. Our inspiration was the zero trust data privacy vaults giant companies like Apple and Netflix pioneered to protect, store, and manage the sensitive customer information that was at the core of their businesses. Our mission is to deliver data privacy vaults via a simple and elegant API, so every app and system can have best-of-breed data privacy.

R3 Master Logo Transparent

R3 is a leading provider of enterprise technology and services that enable direct, digital collaboration in regulated industries where trust is critical. As one of the first companies to deliver both a private distributed ledger technology (DLT) application platform and confidential computing platform, R3 empowers institutions to realize the full potential of trusted direct collaboration. They maintain one of the largest DLT production ecosystems in the world, connecting over 400 institutions from both the private and public sectors.

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