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A Netflix RoachFest24 Original: The Case for Multi-Region Clusters

This year, we were so grateful to the Netflix team for hitting the stage again after their tremendous premiere in 2022. Four years into their adoption of CockroachDB, Netflix’s team shared many learnings about the best optimizations and configurations that help their clients, internal Netflix developers, meet their goals. The pioneering streaming service has developed a mature platform providing databases-as-a-service to hundreds of Netflix developers and continues building out even more efficient strategies.

Rebecca Weng Headshot

Becca Weng

September 4, 2024

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Video Spotlight: “Chaos Testing – Behind CockroachDB’s Resilience”

Cockroach Labs’ Technical Evangelist Rob Reid just loves trying to break things, and our own cloud-native distributed SQL database is not immune from this impulse. He recently devoted screen time to pushing CockroachDB hard in tough conditions, just to watch it push back.

David Weiss

David Weiss

September 3, 2024



Superbet’s Cloud Migration Story: RoachFest24 Highlights

The RoachFest24 procession continues! We are highlighting all of the best presentations from RoachFest24 so far, from mobile game development to order and inventory management. If these revelations excite you, make sure to register for RoachFest NYC – coming up on September 26!

Rebecca Weng Headshot

Becca Weng

August 29, 2024

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Scale & Resilience

How Nellis Auction Uses CockroachDB and Google Cloud to Achieve Scale and Reliability

Nellis Auction, an online auction company based in Las Vegas, NV, specializes in reverse logistics – this means handling goods that travel back through the supply chain from customer to distributor or manufacturer, then selling them off in local markets via auction.


Harsh Shah

August 28, 2024




How CockroachDB Implements UDFs and SPs

User-defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures (SPs) allow users to define a set of queries that can be executed at the database by providing only the function or procedure name and any relevant parameters. They provide building blocks for users to compose complex queries, which makes applications less error prone since users don’t need to repeatedly provide the complex query. Another benefit of UDFs/SPs is that they enable better performance by moving more computation closer to the data. There are fewer round trips between the application and database to get the results the user wants.

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Drew Kimball

August 27, 2024

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PwC UK and Cockroach Labs: Accelerating Modernization and Reducing Regulatory Risk for Financial Services

There’s a lot riding on the technology choices enterprises make. However, a winning strategy for mainframe modernization and reducing regulatory risk means more than just selecting the best tech: It calls for access to a comprehensive solution addressing business, regulatory, and technological challenges.

David Weiss

David Weiss

August 26, 2024

[THUMBNAIL] Enterprise Scale with CockroachDB, Deploying on Microsoft Azure



Unlocking Enterprise Scale with CockroachDB: Deploying on Microsoft Azure

This is the second article in the series, Unlocking Enterprise Scale with CockroachDB on Microsoft Azure, where we help you utilize the best that CockroachDB on Azure has to offer. In this blog, we will explore different production options, deployment strategies, and key considerations for single-region and multi-region setups, while introducing key integrations with the Azure ecosystem.


David Joy

August 20, 2024

Rightmove RoachFest24 Recap Blog Header


Rightmove’s Database Migration Story: A RoachFest Highlight

Andrew Tate, Rightmove’s Head of Technology Operations, hit the stage and the crowd with some impressive statistics, setting the scene for why Rightmove needed a solid database solution. With 34 million searches per day, 1.3 billion minutes spent on their site per month, and over 1 petabyte of data in total – that’s 10^15 bytes of data – Rightmove is the go-to site for UK renters and buyers.

Rebecca Weng Headshot

Becca Weng

August 19, 2024

core deprecation blog header

Evolving our self-hosted offering and license model

In the past decade, we’ve helped our customers push the envelope to lead in their respective markets, with data architectures that can seamlessly survive node outages, datacenter outages, regional cloud outages, and even the unprecedented ability to turn off a cloud vendor entirely with complete business continuity. We are agnostic to public vs private cloud, allowing zero-downtime portability, and public / private hybrid deployments. All while leaving the door open to the future repatriation of data – after all, the only guarantee is that business requirements will continue to evolve in hard-to-predict ways. Our ability to meet these and other challenges is the number one reason why CockroachDB has become the trusted global database for running the mission-critical workloads of the world’s most important businesses.


Spencer Kimball

August 15, 2024

[Blog Header] Cockroach Labs AWS Pay as You Go


Introducing Pay-As-You-Go CockroachDB Cloud on AWS Marketplace

We’re thrilled to announce a new payment option for CockroachDB Cloud on AWS Marketplace: pay-as-you-go. With this new option, users can benefit from a streamlined payment process through their AWS accounts. Enterprises also gain an additional option to acquire Cockroach Cloud alongside the existing private offer already available through AWS Marketplace.

[Headshot] Ayushi Jain

Ayushi Jain

August 13, 2024

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