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New Cockroach University course: CockroachDB for Python Developers

Today, we are excited to introduce our second Cockroach University course: CockroachDB for Python Developers. This course is designed for application developers looking to advance their education with CockroachDB and learn how to build scalable, resilient applications and services. Similar to our inaugural Getting Started course, this free course includes a series of videos, exercises, and a final exam. However, this course is much more hands-on. You will build a full-stack vehicle-sharing application called MovR in Python using the popular SQLAlchemy ORM. Our goal is for students to walk away from this course feeling confident in building fully-functional applications with CockroachDB.

Will Cross

September 29, 2020

Teamwork Teambuilding Peeracks collaboration


Build a Go App with upper/db and CockroachDB

upper/db is a data access layer written in Go with ORM-like features. It's compatible with PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, and now, CockroachDB! I am very pleased to announce that our CockroachDB adapter is now in beta and ready to be used!

José Nieto

September 29, 2020

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Cloud-native Java-persistence layer using CockroachDB and Hibernate

This blog is written by guest authors Robin de Silva Jayasinghe, Thomas Pötzsch, and Joachim Mathes. Robin de Silva Jayasinghe, is a Sr. software engineer based in Germany working at synyx GmbH & Co. KG. synyx is an agile software provider in Karlsruhe, Germany that works together with different companies to find the best possible IT-solutions for their challenges. Thomas and Joachim are working as software and systems engineers at Contargo, one of the leading container hinterland logistics in Europe.

Robin de Silva Jayasinghe

September 18, 2020



How we built a CockroachDB dialect for Hibernate

This post was originally published in 2017, upon announcing that CockroachDB’s support for Hibernate was in beta. Today, we’re excited to announce some big news: the CockroachDB dialect for Hibernate is officially available! 🥳 Hibernate now offers first-class support for CockroachDB. You can read more about the dialect, and our journey to get there, in this blog post.

Jordan Lewis

September 17, 2020

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Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB-inspired key-value store written in Go

Since its inception, CockroachDB has relied on RocksDB as its key-value storage engine. The choice of RocksDB has served us well. RocksDB is battle tested, highly performant, and comes with a rich feature set. We’re big fans of RocksDB and we frequently sing its praises when asked why we didn’t choose another storage engine. Today we’re introducing Pebble.

Peter Mattis

Peter Mattis

September 15, 2020



How to run a software-as-a-service on Kubernetes

The first version of CockroachDB Dedicated, our database-as-a-service product, had our users fill out a Google doc with their cloud deployment preferences. We’ve come a long way since that initial proof of concept (including, yes, building a UI). More importantly, we’ve put implementation patterns in place that make something complicated (like configuring a cloud deployment) scalable. As we’ve written about before, choosing to run CockroachDB Dedicated on Kubernetes is a huge part of that implementation pattern.

Charlotte Dillon

September 14, 2020

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NoSQL vs. NewSQL vs. distributed SQL: DZone's 2020 Trend Report

Databases are evolving. For the past decade, we’ve read thinkpiece after thinkpiece taking firm stances on the “SQL vs. NoSQL” debate--some of which declaratively pronounce the death of SQL or the death of NoSQL. In DZone’s annual report on SQL v NoSQL database usage, we’re excited to see that we’re moving beyond that paradigm. What we’re seeing in this report is more nuanced, and a lot more exciting: the death of the “SQL vs. NoSQL” binary altogether.

Charlotte Dillon

September 9, 2020

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Database consistency models and isolation levels

The other week, we devoted an episode of The Cockroach Hour to talk about the dirty secret of isolation levels. When host Jim Walker was titling the webinar, I’m pretty sure he had one particular “secret” in mind: dirty reads. But the conversation kicked off with discussion of an even more pervasive secret: most developers don’t pay attention to isolation levels. Guests Tim Veil and John Sheaffer, both Solutions Engineers at Cockroach Labs, have decades of experience developing against and working with–and for–all sorts of databases. And both of them admitted that for years, they weren’t paying enough attention to what was happening with their applications' consistency models and isolation levels.

Charlotte Dillon

September 3, 2020

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Full text indexing and search in CockroachDB

In this post, I’ll skim the surface of a very common pattern in application development: full text indexing and search. I’ll start with a bit of motivation, what prompted me to explore this using CockroachDB. Next, I’ll introduce the initial pass at a solution, followed by a deeper explanation of how that was done, and I’ll then improve on that result by adding a “score”. Finally, I’ll discuss the limitations of this simplistic approach, within the context of information retrieval, ending with my answer to “So, why’d you do it?” Let’s get started.

Michael Goddard

Michael Goddard

August 27, 2020

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