Using tunable controls for low latency in CockroachDB
Geographically distributed databases like CockroachDB offer a number of benefits including reliability, cost-effective deployments, and more. Critics often counter that distributed databases increase latency. What if a database could offer all of the benefits of distribution, but also provide low latency?
Andy Woods
November 30, 2017
Open-sourcing the interview process to reduce unconscious bias
Since the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) opened their doors for business on July 2, 1965, a year after Title VII’s enactment into law, the mission to eliminate unlawful employment discrimination has made progress in our society. No one can deny that we are in a significantly better place than we were just over 50 years ago. The act has benefited many and has served as a model for future anti-discrimination measures passed by Congress, including the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and the Americans with Disabilities. However, the passing of this legislation has by no means solved the problem of discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination is not as overt, but is rather found in grey areas, lurking beneath the surface and often rooted deep into an individual’s unconscious bias. I know what you are thinking: “I know I have biases, but I don’t discriminate against people who are different from me!” It feels shameful. Your biases are shaped by your experiences, culture, and your lifestyle. They frame your perspective and the way you behave in the world. It’s not shameful. However, we believe that recognizing your bias and how it affects your decision-making processes will allow you to understand if and how those biases are impeding your organization's ability to create a balanced and inclusive workforce. At Cockroach Labs, we have put processes in place for our employees to be aware of the role their unconscious bias plays in hiring decisions they are making. We have removed the dependency on resumes and focused on exercise based interviewing. Our end goal is to create practices that lead to a more inclusive culture. It’s proven that by providing candidates with an understanding of what to expect throughout the process, as well as insight into what to expect, helps them perceive the process as being fair [Klehe, König, Richter, Kleinmann, Melchers]. In addition to creating fairness, we want to see if full transparency can also lead to better hiring outcomes. With this in mind, we have made the decision to open source our interview process.
Lindsay Grenawalt
November 28, 2017
CockroachDB for Windows users
For the first two years of CockroachDB’s existence, the Windows installation instructions read like this: Install Docker. Get the latest CockroachDB Docker image: docker pull cockroachdb/cockroach The instructions were deceptively short, considering that they amounted to downloading a supported operating system (Linux), booting it in a hypervisor, and running CockroachDB inside of that virtual machine.
Nikhil Benesch
November 21, 2017
The guide to secure deployments in CockroachDB
Production deployments are a world apart from development and testing environments. They come with their own best practices and recommendations, usually customized for each piece of your software stack. In this post, we’ll examine some of the more critical decisions to be made when deploying CockroachDB in production.
Marc Berhault
November 9, 2017
What does clarity of color have to do with a mission-critical database?
Josué Rivera
November 2, 2017
Data migration made easy: Bulk ingest from CSV
We think CockroachDB is a great database for many people, and want them to try us out. Not just for new applications, but for existing, large applications as well. The first problem that users with an existing database will hit when trying us out for the first time is getting their data into CockroachDB. For the 1.1 release, we built a new feature that performs high-speed, bulk data import. It works by transforming CSV files into our backup/restore format, then is able to quickly ingest the results.
Matt Jibson
October 26, 2017
How to Work with Me
Some of my colleagues have children to tend to after work and many are night owls who are most productive during the wee hours while I’m drooling in my sleep. While I’m trying to figure out how to best work with them, they’re also trying to figure out how to work with me. Is it okay to send me Slack messages after 7pm? What is the best way to give me constructive feedback?
Kuan Luo
October 19, 2017
Kindred Futures and Cockroach Labs partner to build next-generation global online gaming platform
We are excited to announce a partnership with Kindred Futures to build the next generation global online gaming platform for their parent company Kindred Group plc. Kindred is a rapidly growing, global business with strict data privacy and technical requirements. Their ambitious project to build a global online gaming platform with multiple active data centers that span continents is an exciting opportunity for our team. Furthermore, the close collaboration between our engineering teams is helping to shape the development of CockroachDB, starting with a design partnership for a geo-partitioning feature planned for the 1.2 release.
Jessica Edwards
October 16, 2017
CockroachDB 1.1 released: Production made easy
Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of CockroachDB 1.1. We’ve spent the last five months incorporating feedback from our customers and community, and making improvements that will help even more teams move to CockroachDB. We are also excited to share success stories from a few of our customers. Baidu, one the world’s largest internet companies, shares how they are using CockroachDB to automate operations for applications that process 50M inserts and 2 TB of data daily. Heroic Labs, a software startup, shares how they simplified deployment of their gaming platform-as-a-service by packaging CockroachDB inside each server. CockroachDB 1.1 focuses on three areas: seamless migration from legacy databases, simplified cluster management, and improved performance in real-world environments.
Nate Stewart
October 12, 2017