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warped downtime


The Costs of Planned vs Unplanned Downtime

Ever been cruising along on some work that’s going really well when your laptop suddenly bricks? Or maybe you’re about to join an important meeting when Zoom announces it has to update right now and takes itself offline to install and restart? We’ve all been there. Which means we have all experienced first hand the disruption, the frustration, and occasionally the keyboard-pounding rage of downtime. Now imagine 100000 x’ing that pain up to full-scale organization level where downtime happens for everyone, all at the same time. We’ve all seen the headlines: Airline Cancels Thousands of Flights Due to Network Outages or Cloud Region Failure Makes Retailer Websites Go Dark on Black Friday, Busiest Shopping Day of the Year. The technical definition of downtime is “a period of time when technology services are unavailable to users”. This elegant simplicity, however, completely misses both the potentially serious business impacts and the deeply human pain that results whenever downtime disrupts work. The online sports betting service whose customers simply switch their wagers to a competing platform (and then never come back) The business traveler parent who misses their kid’s birthday party because their flight got canceled, or the small artisan counting on Black Friday sales to take their business into the black.

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

March 13, 2024

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