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How they survived a database outage: 3 companies share stories

Imagine this: you work in system architecture for a multibillion-dollar consumer-facing business, and it’s the middle of a busy weekend. Suddenly, your database goes down. Transactions aren’t processing. Customers are angry. Logistical issues are stacking up because inventory and warehouse tracking are down. Customer service reps are swamped, but half of the technical staff are twiddling their thumbs because they can’t do their work without a functional database.


Charlie Custer

June 3, 2021

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SIGMOD 2022: Enabling the next generation of multi-region applications with CockroachDB

We are pleased to announce that our second paper, Enabling the Next Generation of Multi-Region Applications with CockroachDB, will appear in the Industry Track of the ACM SIGMOD 2022 conference in Philadelphia, PA (as well as remotely), on June 12-17. This paper is the sequel to our SIGMOD 2020 paper in which we introduced CockroachDB’s geo-distributed capabilities to the world.

Alexander Shraer

May 31, 2021



Control data latency and availability with a few SQL statements

Slow applications kill business. Greg Lindon (in this now archived deck), noted that 100ms in latency lowered Amazon’s sales by 1%. Marissa Mayer pointed out that speed really matters when she explained the results of A/B tests as “500ms of additional load time dropped Google searches by 20%.”


Andy Woods

May 20, 2021

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Building better IAM with a scale-out, OLTP database

The identity and access management platforms that I either used or researched in the past always left much to be desired. Most times their audit trails aren’t strong enough. Pricing per user or per session is too expensive. They don’t deploy easily in multiple regions. And they aren’t exactly easy to operate or scale across clouds. There was clearly a gap in the market for a modern IAM platform. I needed such a platform in order to properly do my previous job as a Head of eGovernment and IAM (in Switzerland). But such a platform didn’t exist! This is when we began thinking through and building the platform that has become ZITADEL today. Jump straight to the architecture.

Florian Forster

May 13, 2021



How to model JSON data in a Go app with CockroachDB

*Guest post alert! Jack is a core maintainer of pgx, a PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go. He helped build the testing integration for CockroachDB and pgx. Jack blogs at https://www.jackchristensen.com/* -– Many applications benefit from representing some data in a relational structure and some data in a more flexible document structure like JSON. Taking advantage of the JSON functionality available in a relational database can reduce the need for a dedicated object database, minimize infrastructure and application complexity, and improve performance.

Jack Christensen

May 4, 2021



Distributed spatial data in free, open source CockroachDB

CockroachDB is a reliable, relational database, built to help you scale your transactional workloads in the cloud. Our focus on common relational data types has brought bulletproof resilience and effortless scalability to all sorts of customer applications, from customer service applications to global data stores for cloud-connected devices, to streaming video providers. Today, we’re excited to bring that same bulletproof resilience and effortless scale to new use cases: spatial data types in CockroachDB. The same open-source database you use to store and access common relational data types (e.g., INT, TEXT, UUID) can now be used with GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY spatial data types. And best of all, it’s free.


Andy Woods

April 30, 2021



How banks and fintech apps innovate (and compete) around cloud-native

Modern fintech apps like Betterment and Robinhood push the limits of what consumers expect from banking apps. One of their biggest competitive advantages is that they can support real-time decision-making and transaction processing, providing users with instant decisions, personalized experiences, and feature-rich applications. To keep up, banks and financial services organizations need to embrace digital transformations that enable them to innovate around transaction services. These services can include dynamic pricing, hyper-personalized content, real-time business process optimization, and fraud detection.

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Jessica Edwards

April 28, 2021

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How to improve query performance of your apps [Free course]

Once you build a sample application, the logical next step is to improve its query performance and functionality. This may include tasks like adding indexes, reviewing the query execution plan, and optimizing sorting performance. Well… we’ve designed a free Cockroach University course to help you do just that! CockroachDB Query Performance for Developers introduces you to key CockroachDB features that will help you improve your application and take your understanding of CockroachDB to the next level. Continue reading to learn more about this course!

Diana Carroll

April 27, 2021



Building a Rails app with ActiveRecord and CockroachDB

*Guest post alert! Marla and Ali worked with the Cockroach Labs team to get the ActiveRecord CockroachDB Adapter ready for Rails 5.2 and beyond! Their work with Cockroach Labs is done, but the adapter lives on. This blog post was originally shared on their blog at Test Double.*

Ali Ibrahim

April 12, 2021

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