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UNIwise delivers a frictionless experience for remote learners with Kubernetes and CockroachDB

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a massive traffic spike in everything digital--from online shopping to remote learning. Under the hood, companies responsible for these technologies have had to quickly adapt to handle the growth in users. Having an elastically scalable and cloud-native stack--all the way down to the database--has helped ease this transition. One such company that experienced a pandemic-driven surge in popularity was UNIwise, an education tech company based in Denmark that sells an online test platform called WISEflow.


Dan Kelly

February 19, 2021

JSON Part2 WentingLi


SQL compatibility in CockroachDB: Spatial data, Enums, materialized views

CockroachDB empowers developers to build fast, scalable applications, and one of the ways it does this is by providing rich, Postgres-compatible SQL. And while CockroachDB follows the Postgres wire protocol, the database also has a custom SQL implementation designed for a distributed database. Over the years, we’ve expanded our distributed SQL implementation to include a cost-based optimizer (CBO) and vectorized execution engine - all built to tackle the complexity of distributed data for developers. In CockroachDB 20.2, we’re excited to provide developers with an increasingly rich SQL feature set that includes support for spatial data, materialized views, Enums, ALTER TABLE, and user-defined schema changes. Let’s dive into the new capabilities.

Vy Ton

February 18, 2021

Availability 4


Improved Backup and Restore capabilities in distributed database

CockroachDB is designed to deliver bulletproof resilience. But even the world’s safest boat needs to carry life jackets. The same principle applies to your data, which is why we’ve baked a breadth of Backup and Restore capabilities into CockroachDB.

Charlotte Dillon

February 11, 2021



Global financial data firm's database migration from Oracle to CockroachDB

A global financial data firm migrated off its legacy Oracle infrastructure, creating a single hybrid, geo-partitioned deployment of CockroachDB. Frustrated by its legacy Oracle database architecture, a major American financial data firm wanted to consolidate its legacy databases and migrate to public cloud infrastructure.

jessica headshot

Jessica Edwards

February 8, 2021

Pony ORM


Build an app with Pony ORM and CockroachDB

What you build and how you build it should not be dictated by your database. The tools and frameworks that you’re familiar with should be compatible with your database of choice. This is why modern database solutions have implemented support for third part tools like Pony ORM, Hibernate, GORM, jOOQ and others. Developers are beginning to expect to be able to bend the database to their will. And they should - because the flexibility leads to better applications.

Charlotte Dillon

February 2, 2021



Use the Cockroach DB Console to Observe and Troubleshoot SQL

Whether you’re a developer or operator, we want to give you the observability tools you need to monitor your CockroachDB cluster. This includes standard tools such as logs, metrics like Prometheus and health endpoints, and alerting. But modern observability requires more than just the standard tools.


Andy Woods

January 26, 2021

b2b sales


How retailers can achieve 2021 revenue resolutions with CockroachDB

It’s 2021 and the in-store shopping experience is still on pause with many stores shutting their doors forever. Online shopping is no longer the future of retail, but the new reality of retail. On average, ecommerce sales grew 32.4% year-over-year with some retailers (Best Buy, Target) seeing over 100% growth. 2020 forced retailers to rethink the way they do business and the way they reach their customers. Smaller businesses were forced to take their sales online, while larger businesses needed to find new, creative ways to stay ahead of the growing ecommerce competition. Organizations that have the bandwidth and the money to build data-intensive applications are changing the customer experience. They offer extremely personalized applications and doubled down on targeted advertising. With so much competition online, if you don’t innovate your business to meet the status-quo, you will struggle to survive. Looking ahead, how will this new “digital shopping experience” affect your bottom line? Will you acquire as many customers this year without the physical experience? Will you be able to expand your online services to new audiences? In the era of COVID-19, to reach your revenue goals it’s important to have the ability to scale your business and reach new customers regardless of where they are located. In this post, we will cover three strategies retailers can take to ensure they meet their revenue goals this year.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

January 25, 2021




GCP outpaces Azure, AWS in the 2021 Cloud Report

The 2021 Cloud Report stands on benchmarks. Now in its third year, our report is more precise than ever, capturing an evaluation of Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that tells realistic and universal performance stories on behalf of mission-critical OLTP applications.

Arul Ajmani

January 15, 2021



CockroachDB 20.2 performs 40% better on TPC-C benchmark, passes 140k warehouses

One of the main reasons our customers choose CockroachDB is the easy horizontal scalability it offers, while maintaining data consistency with serializable isolation. This combination lets customers run critical OLTP workloads, like financial ledgers and e-commerce shopping carts, at large scale without the hassle of legacy sharding. With every release, we make significant investments in improving CockroachDB’s performance and scale. We measure CockroachDB’s performance through many diverse tests, including the industry-standard TPC-C benchmark to track our progress across releases. Our latest version, CockroachDB 20.2, passed 140K warehouses with a maximum throughput of 1.7M transactions per minute (tpmC) on TPC-C. This represents a 40% improvement with the same resources as compared to the results previously reported with CockroachDB 19.2 in this post. Additionally, CockroachDB 20.2 was able to load TPC-C 140K in less than 3 hours compared to the ~20 hours it took to load TPC-C 100K in 19.2. This improvement was the result of faster bulk-data loading, which built upon work in Pebble, CockroachDB’s new storage engine.

Aayush Shah

November 19, 2020