Hot Ranges Page

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On a secure cluster, this area of the DB Console can only be accessed by users belonging to the admin role or a SQL user with the VIEWCLUSTERMETADATA system privilege (or the legacy VIEWACTIVITY or VIEWACTIVITYREDACTED role option) defined. The VIEWACTIVITY or VIEWACTIVITYREDACTED system privileges do not grant access to this page.

The Hot Ranges page of the DB Console provides details about ranges receiving a high number of reads or writes. These are known as hot ranges.

When optimizing or troubleshooting statement performance, this page can help you identify nodes, ranges, or tables that are experiencing hotspots.

To view this page, access the DB Console and click Hot Ranges in the left-hand navigation.

Filter hot ranges

Use the Filter menu to filter the hot ranges list on any combination of: node ID, store ID, database, table, index, or locality.

Hot ranges list

The Hot ranges list displays the ranges with the highest queries per second (QPS) from each node store.


Hot ranges are not necessarily problematic. Some ranges naturally experience higher QPS than others. For example, a range for a frequently accessed table will have a higher QPS.

However, a significant increase in traffic can also indicate a hotspot on the range that should be reduced. For more information, refer to Understand hotspots.

To view the Range Report for a hot range, click its range ID.

Parameter Description
Range ID The ID of the hot range. Click the range ID to view the Range Report for this range.
QPS The total number of SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE queries executed per second on this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
CPU The total CPU time per second used in processing this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
Write (keys) The total number of keys written per second on this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
Write (bytes) The total number of bytes written per second on this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
Read (keys) The total number of bytes written per second on this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
Read (bytes) The total number of bytes read per second on this range. The per-second rate is averaged over the last 30 minutes.
Nodes The ID of each node where the range data is found.
Store ID The ID of the store where the range data is found.
Leaseholder The ID of the node that has the range lease.
Database The database where the range data is found.
Table The table where the range data is found.
Index The index where the range data is indexed, if applicable.
Locality The locality of the node where the range data is found.

Range Report

The Range Report is typically used for advanced debugging purposes.

If your aim is to reduce hotspots, refer to the following fields:

  • Key Range shows the interval of the key space that is "hottest" (i.e., read by the processor). This is expressed as a span of key values.
  • Lease Holder QPS shows the queries executed per second on the node that holds the range lease. If a hot range is not properly using load-based splitting, this will be greater than the value configured by the kv.range_split.load_qps_threshold cluster setting (2500 by default).

See also

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