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Converting cloud provider regions into country flags

Learn how Paul created an open source JavaScript utility package to help convert cloud provider region codes into real locations and country flags.


Paul Scanlon

February 17, 2023



Distributed transactions: What, why, and how to build a distributed transactional application

Transactions make up an important part of the database workload for most modern applications. And when it comes time to scale up operations for a growing business, distributing those workloads across multiple hardware systems for horizontal scalability, high availability, and fault tolerance is often an important part of the plan.


Charlie Custer

February 16, 2023



We built a serverless gambling app for the "Big Game"

Disclaimer: this blog is not just for sports fans The vast majority of the Super Bowl’s approximately 100 million annual viewers aren’t actually fans of the teams taking the field. They’re just people who are just looking for an excuse to get together with friends, eat healthy amounts of seriously unhealthy food, and watch commercials. But if congeniality and carbohydrates aren’t enough to hold your interest, a little action can make the “Big Game” a bit more interesting. Historically, most of the wagering on Super Bowl Sunday happens not at the big Vegas sportsbooks like Caesar’s or MGM, but instead in people’s homes, with friendly, informal wagers. The reigning champion of gambling games is a simple-to-learn, no-sports-knowledge-needed game commonly called “Super Bowl Squares.”


Aydrian Howard

February 10, 2023



Building a sports betting application to handle ‘Big Game’ traffic

The popularity of sports betting, also called real-money gaming, is exploding. And at least in the US, there’s no bigger moment for sports betting than this weekend. The NFL’s championship game – you know, the game with the name we’re not allowed to say – is likely to be watched by around 100 million people. And with the growing legality and popularity of sports betting apps in the US, it is very likely this game will see more money flowing through betting apps than ever before.


Charlie Custer

February 9, 2023



What do you think of the name "CockroachDB"?

Our parents think we work for an extermination company. Accountants do double-takes. Allergists are intrigued. Homeland security agents have extra questions. Delivery drivers make quick, frightened visits to our floor (some refuse to come up at all!). At conferences people want to know why cockroach and we say, “…because it’s the database you can’t kill…” and the heads nod. CockroachDB is a polarizing name. But software engineers get it.


Dan Kelly

February 8, 2023

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What is data partitioning, and how to do it right

Most software projects start their lives linked to a simple, single-instance database. Something like Postgres or MySQL. But as companies grow, their data needs grow, too. Sooner or later, a single instance just isn’t going to cut it. That’s where data partitioning comes in.


Charlie Custer

February 7, 2023

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What is VPC peering and when should you use it?

If you’re building and managing applications in public cloud providers like GCP or AWS, chances are you’ve heard of VPC peering. This blog post explains what VPC peering is, why you’d want to use it, and, if you’re using CockroachDB Dedicated today, how you can get started with our VPC peering functionality.


Tommy Truongchau

February 2, 2023



PCI-DSS: CockroachDB Dedicated is certified to store confidential data

We are thrilled to announce that CockroachDB Dedicated, the fully managed service of CockroachDB, is now PCI-DSS certified by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) as a PCI Level 1 Service Provider. The PCI-DSS was created by the PCI Security Standards Council - an organization formed in 2006 by the major credit card associations (Visa, American Express, MasterCard and JCB). The mission of this council is to establish a “minimum security standard” to protect customers’ payment information. Any business that handles credit card and payment data is required to conform to that minimum standard referred to as the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS).

Abhinav Garg

January 31, 2023

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What to do when a transaction fails in CockroachDB

If you’re working with CockroachDB, chances are that you care about transactional consistency. CockroachDB offers ACID transactional guarantees, including serializable isolation to ensure that no matter the volume of transactions or how many transactions are being processed in parallel, each transaction is committed to the database sequentially. These guarantees ensure that your database maintains ironclad consistency immediately, which is important for many transactional applications. (Every application has a range of business use cases that determine how consistent its database needs to be. For transactional workloads, an eventually consistent database is often not the right persistence tool). However, CockroachDB’s strong ACID guarantees do mean that occasionally transactions will fail and will need to be retried. Let’s take a closer look at why that happens, and how retries can be accomplished.


Charlie Custer

January 30, 2023

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