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Cloud integration made easy: CockroachDB and Google Pub/Sub

Have you ever wanted to stream data from your database without having to install additional resources that require more time and energy to maintain? Just recently, I spoke with a {person who shall remain nameless} about how they wanted to dump new data to a file, move it from one cloud provider to another, and then place it in storage for consumption by downstream systems. There was more to it and it hurt my head to listen. I had only one question for {person to remain nameless} “When did you start hating your fellow coworkers?” I mean, really… other people will have to maintain that mess.


Jeff Carlson

June 3, 2022

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How to choose the right metadata store

Choosing the right metadata store should be contingent on your system architecture. There is no definitive ‘right choice’. But if you are building your products or services on top of distributed systems then your choices are certainly narrowed. Recently, the data security company Rubrik, wrote a three-part blog series about how they chose a metadata store for Rubrik CDM. Their journey began with Cassandra and ended with CockroachDB. This blog is a summary of the challenges they ran into with Cassandra, the reasons they chose CockroachDB as their metadata store, and what their CockroachDB use case looks like.


Dan Kelly

June 3, 2022



Get started automating database ops with the CockroachDB Cloud API

CockroachDB 22.1 is here, and with it comes a highly-requested feature: a REST API that allows you to access and manage your clusters programmatically, rather than having to navigate the web UI. Want to automate your database ops? Let’s get started!


Charlie Custer

May 25, 2022



Modernize applications on-prem with CockroachDB on Amazon EKS-Anywhere

Managing a single Kubernetes cluster in a single environment can be a challenge, and if you extend this to multiple clusters in disparate environments, the complexity can become too much. However, there are often requirements on our applications, such as latency, policy, regulatory or costs that require us to run on-prem, in the cloud, and elsewhere. DevOps teams want an easier way to deal with these complexities without managing entirely separate deployment stacks. Often, they want the simplicity of a cloud service on-prem.

Keith McClellan

Keith McClellan

May 23, 2022



Multi-region applications with Google Cloud Run and CockroachDB

When you deploy a web application in the cloud, you typically select a region for your cloud resources first — a region being the physical datacenter location where your cloud-based application will live. It’s common to choose just one region, but you can also stitch multiple regions together. Why would you choose multi-region architecture? Three words: resiliency, latency and localization.

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

May 23, 2022



CockroachDB Admission Control? Yes, please!

Last week, while running a workload consisting of 200 different queries, we noticed right away that a CPU imbalance was causing a performance issue. Looking at the first graph, below, you can see right away that one of the three CockroachDB nodes was operating at near 100% CPU. Not ideal.

Michael Goddard

Michael Goddard

May 23, 2022




Interactive demo of CockroachDB using D3

Cockroaches first evolved more than 300M years ago, and yet the O.G. is still recognizable. "Modern" cockroaches are about 200M years old; that they're still with us, largely unchanged, is quite impressive from an evolutionary perspective.

 Spencer Kimball

Spencer Kimball

May 20, 2022



How CockroachDB operates serverless clusters with Kubernetes

Welcome! If you find yourself here wondering What does “serverless database" even mean? you may want to start with Andy Kimball’s introduction to serverless architecture post before coming back to dive in with us here. On the flip side, if you’re already thinking How ARE you running a serverless database on Kubernetes? Sometimes, my deployments take 10 minutes to fully roll out and my eyes are fully-featured YAML parsers. Theytoldmethiswouldbebetter! — you’ve come to the right blog post.

Chris Seto

May 17, 2022

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The guy who wrote the book on CockroachDB

Everyone here at Cockroach Labs is thrilled about the publication of our very own O’Reilly tome, CockroachDB: The Definitive Guide. Seriously delighted — as in, just-found-out-the-rest-of-today’s-meetings-are-all-canceled level of happiness. We are beyond proud to have our own hefty tech book with an iconic animal on the cover. (Or, even better, iconic insect on the cover since the fine folks at O’Reilly Media agreed to let us have a cockroach on ours). Most of all, we are delighted to have the complete workings of CockroachDB collected in a single, thorough and hands-on resource to help make distributed SQL accessible to even more users. This is thanks in large part due to Guy Harrison, who is quite literally The Guy Who Wrote The Book On CockroachDB. Guy co-authored the Definitive Guide with Cockroach Labs co-founder and chief architect, Ben Darnell, and our head of education, Jesse Seldess. “Guy’s deep existing database knowledge paired with his diligence in learning Cockroach just as deeply contributed immeasurably to the scope and thoroughness of the book,” Ben commented.

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

May 10, 2022

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