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What are the limits of the CAP theorem?

*Note: This blog was originally published in 2017. Everything is still true today. It is being updated to include additional capabilities in CockroachDB. Namely, bounded staleness reads. The CAP theorem is a fundamental part of the theory of distributed systems. It states that in the presence of partitions (i.e. network failures), a system cannot be both consistent and available, and must choose one of the two.

Ben Darnell

Ben Darnell

May 5, 2022



How to build a complete web app with Django and CockroachDB

CockroachDB is a distributed relational database that enables users to scale their application and production software without hardware limitations. CockroachDB Serverless is the fastest way to get started using this relational database. It only takes two steps: sign up using your GitHub account, then connect your cluster using the connection information relevant to your system’s operating system. Integrating CockroachDB into a Django application is seamless thanks to its feature-rich object-relational mapping (ORM) that lets us interact with the database using a fluent object-oriented API.

Rain Leander

May 3, 2022



3 basic rules for choosing indexes

3 basic rules for choosing indexes There are a few basic rules to keep in mind when choosing indexes for a database. A good index should have these three properties: Usefulness: Speed up the execution of some queries (or enforce a constraint) Clustering: Keep records that are likely to be accessed together near each other Scattering: Keep records that are unlikely to be accessed together far apart

Ben Darnell

Ben Darnell

May 3, 2022

satori partner blogimage


Enhanced data security with CockroachDB and Satori

CockroachDB helps small to large organizations manage their transactional data at global scale, with high-availability, while providing multi-cloud & hybrid disaster proofing capabilities. Many of those customers trust CockroachDB to store PII or organizationally sensitive data, and they secure it with native data security capabilities in the product. But there are some needs that require reimagination of how one looks at data security at different kinds of scale - across different business units or teams, across multiple CockroachDB clusters, or across multiple types of data stores including OLTP and OLAP.

Abhinav Garg

May 2, 2022



How to build a complete Next.js app with Vercel and CockroachDB

In this tutorial, we’ll create an app for coordinating social events. In the process, you’ll see how simple it can be to create a web application powered by Next.js and hosted on Vercel. The tutorial will also demonstrate how quickly we can create a fully-fledged relational database on the cloud without installing it locally.


Aydrian Howard

April 29, 2022

myworld casestudy


Why switch from Cassandra to CockroachDB

* Editor’s note: this blog was originally published in 2020. We’re refreshing it today in light of recent conversations that have come up around the capabilties of Cassandra as they compare to CockroachDB. MyWorld is a next-generation virtual world startup. Current social virtual worlds (like Second Life and OpenSimulator) are built on decades-old technology and are fundamentally limited in their design. MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game) developers lack a common, extensible platform, meaning that multiple years of work and millions of dollars are required to build a custom engine for almost every MMOG - forcing indie studios and many other small developers out of the market entirely. At MyWorld, we’re building a brand new virtual world platform from the ground up, using modern tools and technologies to create a fast, scalable, and extensible platform to power the next generation of social virtual worlds and massive multi-player online games.

Daniel Perano

April 28, 2022



3 tips for startups who chose CockroachDB over Postgres

It’s a bit of a race, isn’t it? You have to get your MVP out the door quickly and you need to use the right technology to get you across the finish line. We’ve talked about building with the right tech stack from the start to ensure you can scale, and preventing yourself from building up too much tech debt. Now we are going to assume you made the right choice and are using CockroachDB (yes, we are biased).


Theodore Hyman

April 21, 2022



An experiment in fuzzy matching, using SQL, with CockroachDB

A recent tweet inspired me to address the need for fuzzy matching by combining some existing capabilities of CockroachDB. Note the key features mentioned in the tweet: - similar but not equal sporting events names: a common pattern. Users tend to mis-type data in input fields, and data isn’t always correct. Nevertheless, we’d like to return the closest match. - I’d rather use this in-built feature than pay for a whole ES cluster with added maintenance overhead to boot: This is the second time I’ve heard this sentiment in the past couple of months. ES is a full-featured search engine and delivers a great experience but, for this purpose, would be overkill and would require additional time and expense to deploy and operate.

Michael Goddard

Michael Goddard

April 18, 2022



Java and AWS Lambda: Best of frenemies?

*Guest post alert! Mike Roberts has been an engineer as well as a CTO. He is the co-author of this O’Reilly Book and is a partner at Symphonia. He blogs at https://blog.symphonia.io/.

Mike Roberts

April 12, 2022

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