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What write skew looks like

Syndication from What Does Write Skew Look Like by Justin Jaffray This post is about gaining intuition for Write Skew, and, by extension, Snapshot Isolation. Snapshot Isolation is billed as a transaction isolation level that offers a good mix between performance and correctness, but the precise meaning of “correctness” here is often vague. In this post I want to break down and capture exactly when the thing called “write skew” can happen.

Justin Jaffray

March 31, 2022



Database schema migration tools: Flyway and Liquibase + CockroachDB

If you use a database, at some point you’ll need to modify your schema design. Maybe you need to store new kinds of information. Perhaps you’ll add a field to a table or even need to change a primary key. Regardless of the reason, application requirements tend to change over time - and you’ll need to migrate. We know how important schema modification is, which is why we’ve built zero-downtime online schema changes and online primary key changes into CockroachDB.

Charlotte Dillon

March 25, 2022



How to handle early startup technical debt (or just avoid it entirely)

All early startups share the same first goal. No matter which sector you’re aiming to disrupt, and no matter what groundbreaking new product or service you plan to disrupt it with, your prime directive is Get to MVP. Fast. After all, until you have something that people are willing to buy, your startup is really only an idea, not a company. The pressure is on to launch your product or service as fast as possible and so embracing easy, “right enough for now” technical solutions makes sense in the early chaos of startup life. But as you start to find success — once you’ve built and launched that first crucial offering and customers start calling, once you begin hiring more teams to grow both your product and the organization that supports it — the limitations of your initial technical decisions are going to make themselves known.

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

March 23, 2022



Roacher Spotlight: Aika Zikibayeva thrives on the small and mighty

My name is Aika Zikibayeva and I am a Partner Marketing Manager at Cockroach Labs. I am part of the Product Marketing team, yet in my day-to-day responsibilities, I maintain a tight-knit collaboration with the Channels & Alliances team.

Devonaire Ortiz

March 23, 2022



6 things startups can do to avoid tech debt

Imagine walking into this: “About 4 million lines of PHP code, written by underpaid, sometimes not well meaning, freelancers and students over the span of 8 years. The CEO wrote a large part, but stopped learning new techniques around 2004.” That’s how bad tech debt can get when a startup is run without considering that all of those messy shortcuts will eventually have to get cleaned up.


Charlie Custer

March 22, 2022



Stan Rosenberg: Driving quality with Test Engineering

What does a Test Engineer do? The Test Engineering team (TestEng) is a new and exciting team embedded within Engineering. We are accomplished engineers on a quest for higher quality. Collectively, we have built complex and impressive software systems at startups and big tech, written test frameworks and program analysis tools; and even applied formal verification and automated reasoning. We have done all of those things and more while obsessing about correctness and performance, yet never quite achieving nirvana.

Stan Rosenberg

March 21, 2022

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Fast blockchain transactions for Bitski's NFT marketplace

We’ve been building for this for three years, said Naveen Molloy, COO of Bitski, a startup company based in San Francisco that has suddenly found itself at the center of the NFT craze. While most of us were startled to find out that fungible is not a microorganism, and that an NFT can sell for $6.6 million, Bitski had been ready and waiting for the moment. They observed the popularity of digital assets years ago in the virtual world gaming industry. They saw the challenges presented by blockchain transactions. And they built a platform to process blockchain transactions faster. CockroachDB Engineer Nathan Stilwell interviewed Bitski’s CTO Patrick Tescher and COO Naveen Malloy to discuss NFT basics, Ethereum, and the NFT marketplace, as well as the challenges of processing blockchain transactions.


Dan Kelly

March 18, 2022

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Application architecture: A quick guide for startups

When you’ve got a great idea for a startup, application architecture is probably one of the last things on your mind. But architecting your app right the first time can save you major headaches further down the road. So let’s take a look at a typical startup application architecture, with a particular focus on the database and how the choices that application architects make in that part of their stack can impact scale, user experience, and more.


Charlie Custer

March 16, 2022



Geographic scale with virtual machines and Kubernetes nodes

In my last blog post we looked at how we can deploy CockroachDB across multiple regions in Azure with the help of Cilium CNI. In this blog post we evolve this architecture to allow for the use of a mix of Kubernetes pods and virtual machines. Because CockroachDB is a single binary it makes it easy to deploy as a container or just run it natively on virtual machines. This type of architecture may be required for a number of reasons. As businesses consider their future cloud strategy and how they can move their existing applications workloads to the Public Cloud this type of hybrid architecture may be required. Perhaps the on-premises data centers do not have the capability to run a Kubernetes environment as this can be complex and requires additional infrastructure that may not be available. This is just one example but there are likely to be many. Now let’s take a closer look at the deployment details.

Mike Bookham

March 14, 2022

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