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Inc. Magazine honors Cockroach Labs on Best Workplaces List 2021

Cockroach Labs was named for resilience and survival. The last year has tested us all in unimaginable ways, and it was the strength and resilience of our team and our community that kept us afloat and propelled us forward. So it is an absolute honor that, after the year we’ve all had, we have been named to Inc. Magazine’s annual list of the Best Workplaces for 2021.

Lindsay Grenawal

Lindsay Grenawalt

May 12, 2021

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How our open interview process helps you land the job

At Cockroach Labs, we’ve long worked at reducing bias for better, more inclusive recruiting outcomes. We do this by removing resumes throughout the hiring process so that interviewers can focus on you, the candidate— not your background. We also emphasize exercise-based interviews that give people the opportunity to demonstrate that they can do the job instead of recounting past experience. These practices are rooted in a basic, human principle for hiring: as a company looking for amazing talent, we want to eliminate hurdles that might keep you from showing us your strengths in an interview, not create them. Four years ago, we saw another opportunity to help people put their best foot forward: we decided to make our interview prep materials openly available.

Devonaire Ortiz

May 11, 2021



How to model JSON data in a Go app with CockroachDB

*Guest post alert! Jack is a core maintainer of pgx, a PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go. He helped build the testing integration for CockroachDB and pgx. Jack blogs at https://www.jackchristensen.com/* -– Many applications benefit from representing some data in a relational structure and some data in a more flexible document structure like JSON. Taking advantage of the JSON functionality available in a relational database can reduce the need for a dedicated object database, minimize infrastructure and application complexity, and improve performance.

Jack Christensen

May 4, 2021



Career change: How I became a Developer Advocate

Last year, I changed careers from Tech Writing to Developer Relations at Cockroach Labs. This blog post details how an investment in employees' careers and development, as well as the Roachermobile programs at Cockroach Labs helped me reinvent my career.

Amruta Ranade

Amruta Ranade

May 3, 2021



Distributed spatial data in free, open source CockroachDB

CockroachDB is a reliable, relational database, built to help you scale your transactional workloads in the cloud. Our focus on common relational data types has brought bulletproof resilience and effortless scalability to all sorts of customer applications, from customer service applications to global data stores for cloud-connected devices, to streaming video providers. Today, we’re excited to bring that same bulletproof resilience and effortless scale to new use cases: spatial data types in CockroachDB. The same open-source database you use to store and access common relational data types (e.g., INT, TEXT, UUID) can now be used with GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY spatial data types. And best of all, it’s free.


Andy Woods

April 30, 2021



How banks and fintech apps innovate (and compete) around cloud-native

Modern fintech apps like Betterment and Robinhood push the limits of what consumers expect from banking apps. One of their biggest competitive advantages is that they can support real-time decision-making and transaction processing, providing users with instant decisions, personalized experiences, and feature-rich applications. To keep up, banks and financial services organizations need to embrace digital transformations that enable them to innovate around transaction services. These services can include dynamic pricing, hyper-personalized content, real-time business process optimization, and fraud detection.

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Jessica Edwards

April 28, 2021

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How to improve query performance of your apps [Free course]

Once you build a sample application, the logical next step is to improve its query performance and functionality. This may include tasks like adding indexes, reviewing the query execution plan, and optimizing sorting performance. Well… we’ve designed a free Cockroach University course to help you do just that! CockroachDB Query Performance for Developers introduces you to key CockroachDB features that will help you improve your application and take your understanding of CockroachDB to the next level. Continue reading to learn more about this course!

Diana Carroll

April 27, 2021

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How Cockroach Labs gives back: Matching bonuses, in lieu of swag

Cockroach Labs was recently named on both Crain’s and Built in NYC’s “Best Places to Work” lists. In the published blurbs, they talk about the way our team treats employees: from the really important perks like great healthcare to the smaller ones like office snacks and Citibike memberships. I think what these lists are missing, however, is a greater sense of how Cockroach Labs views its relationship to the humans we interact with: our employees, our customers, and the world at large. One of the many ways this is manifested is in our company’s corporate giving initiatives. Here are some of the charitable giving practices we’ve instituted, and how they contribute to making Cockroach Labs a great place to work.

Devonaire Ortiz

April 21, 2021



Fueling the startup economy: Crowdfunding on a transaction-oriented system

Early stage capital is one of the many financial services sectors experiencing digital disruption. Up and coming startup founders are increasingly turning to online equity crowdfunding platforms instead of pursuing traditional early-stage capital raising methods. In recent years, equity crowdfunding was established as a reliable and popular mechanism for startups and SMEs to raise capital. However, building an affordable, easy-to-use online platform for companies (and investors) to use is not an easy feat. There are many challenges associated with adhering to data regulations, reaching customers in different regions, and scaling to accommodate growth.

Cassie McAllister

Cassie McAllister

April 15, 2021

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