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Multi-cloud demystified: pros, cons, and considerations according to the experts

Multi-cloud is not easy. Dig into our free report on the current state of multi-cloud, which contains expert advice from on-the-ground experts on pitfalls to avoid, best practices, and more.


Charlie Custer

November 14, 2023


Executing SQL queries from the browser

We just released our Browser SQL Shell, which allows writing queries on CockroachDB within seconds of cluster creation.

Lasse Nordahl

November 9, 2023



How online schema changes are possible in CockroachDB

I periodically need to make changes to tables. Adding columns is very simple with the ALTER TABLE command… But my tables have up to 40 million rows now, and they are growing fast. So those alter table commands take several hours… Since I’m using Amazon RDS, I can’t have replica servers to play with offline and then promote to primary in prod. So my question is if there’s a way to do this with minimal downtime? I don’t mind an operation taking hours or even days if users can still use the db…” — Stack Overflow, serverfault

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

November 8, 2023


City Storage Systems: CockroachDB on Kubernetes at global scale

Here's how City Storage Systems built a highly available, highly performant persistence layer that works for mission-critical workloads at global scale WITHOUT needing a massive team.


Charlie Custer

November 7, 2023


CockroachDB Node Locality: Why it's important and how to set it in Kubernetes

CockroachDB nodes can be distributed across multiple locations across the globe to ensure that the data can survive outages. Learn about node locality, why this is important in CockroachDB, and how to set this in Kubernetes environments.

Mike Bookham

November 6, 2023


How to dynamically map Azure managed identities to CockroachDB SQL users

Here's how companies using Azure can allow access to CockroachDB for all approved users by dynamically mapping users in Azure Active Directory to a matching SQL user created in CockroachDB.


Charlie Custer

November 3, 2023



What is a serverless database?

Before we define what a serverless database is, perhaps we should talk about what serverless means more broadly, and why there seems to be building momentum behind this general paradigm.


Jim Walker

November 2, 2023


Santander: Hacking human error to achieve operational resilience

The root cause of many outages is human error. At RoachFest23, Thomas Boltze (Head of Cloud and Engineering Excellence with Santander) shared the core tenets of building operationally resilient systems and how to practice them in the real world — fallible humans and all.

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

November 1, 2023


The Halloween Problem: a spooky (and true) SQL story

The Halloween Problem is a rare but scary issue that can haunt relational databases, mutating your data in unexpected ways if you're not careful.


Charlie Custer

October 31, 2023

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