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Enhanced data security with CockroachDB and Satori

CockroachDB helps small to large organizations manage their transactional data at global scale, with high-availability, while providing multi-cloud & hybrid disaster proofing capabilities. Many of those customers trust CockroachDB to store PII or organizationally sensitive data, and they secure it with native data security capabilities in the product. But there are some needs that require reimagination of how one looks at data security at different kinds of scale - across different business units or teams, across multiple CockroachDB clusters, or across multiple types of data stores including OLTP and OLAP.

Abhinav Garg

May 2, 2022



Database schema migration tools: Flyway and Liquibase + CockroachDB

If you use a database, at some point you’ll need to modify your schema design. Maybe you need to store new kinds of information. Perhaps you’ll add a field to a table or even need to change a primary key. Regardless of the reason, application requirements tend to change over time - and you’ll need to migrate. We know how important schema modification is, which is why we’ve built zero-downtime online schema changes and online primary key changes into CockroachDB.

Charlotte Dillon

March 25, 2022



6 things startups can do to avoid tech debt

Imagine walking into this: “About 4 million lines of PHP code, written by underpaid, sometimes not well meaning, freelancers and students over the span of 8 years. The CEO wrote a large part, but stopped learning new techniques around 2004.” That’s how bad tech debt can get when a startup is run without considering that all of those messy shortcuts will eventually have to get cleaned up.


Charlie Custer

March 22, 2022

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Application architecture: A quick guide for startups

When you’ve got a great idea for a startup, application architecture is probably one of the last things on your mind. But architecting your app right the first time can save you major headaches further down the road. So let’s take a look at a typical startup application architecture, with a particular focus on the database and how the choices that application architects make in that part of their stack can impact scale, user experience, and more.


Charlie Custer

March 16, 2022



Highly available spatial data: Finding pubs in London

Imagine you’re driving a rental car in Rome and the satnav (or GPS) on your phone stops working. This happened to me two years ago when I was commuting by car each day from an Airbnb in Trastevere to an office on Via Amsterdam.

Michael Goddard

Michael Goddard

March 9, 2022



How to create a Lambda function with Python and CockroachDB Serverless

Do you love thinking about servers? Most developers don’t. That’s why serverless platforms such as AWS Lambda, which lets you run functions in the cloud without having to think about servers, have become so popular. Running your code in the cloud doesn’t truly free you from thinking about servers unless you’re also using a serverless database, though. Amazon itself offers a serverless database called Amazon Aurora Serverless, but what if you prefer the advantages that CockroachDB offers, or simply want to avoid vendor lock-in with your database in case you choose to migrate to a different cloud in the future?


Charlie Custer

March 8, 2022

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Selecting a startup stack for scale

“Do things that don’t scale.” That YCombinator mantra may be the single most common piece of advice given to early-stage tech startups. And with good reason – it’s great advice! But if you follow it, with a little luck you’ll reach a point where it no longer applies (at least on a technical level).


Charlie Custer

February 28, 2022



Data cardinality in a distributed DB: Lessons from a betting app

How can you get great performance out of your database when huge numbers of users are going to be submitting queries within the space of a few minutes or seconds?


Charlie Custer

February 18, 2022



Move fast and don’t break things: The best database for gambling apps

Online gambling is one of the fastest-growing industries on the planet, with the market expected to be worth more than $127 billion by 2027. But it’s also a very challenging vertical for app development.


Charlie Custer

December 8, 2021

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