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CockroachDB 21.2 release: Delivering an improved developer experience and easier ops at scale

Today we released our latest version, CockroachDB 21.2. Our customers turn to CockroachDB for a highly scalable and resilient relational database — but they also value a familiar and comfortable developer experience, simple integrations with their preferred stack, and easy operations. In CockroachDB 21.2, we’ve extended our capabilities with these core principles in mind:

Meagan Goldman

Meagan Goldman

November 16, 2021



Risk vs. reward: Real money gambling application architecture

In the first week of the 2021 NFL season, a bettor was famously one win away from a $727k payday on an 16 leg parlay. The problem? They lost. In a parlay, your position is only as strong as your weakest bet. The bettor’s downfall was relying on the overmatched Detroit Lions. When it comes to sports gambling, what the bettor doesn’t see is the technology that powers these user-facing applications that make or break their payday. Building a real money gambling application is actually much more complicated than it seems. Not only do you need a stable, reliable payment processing system, but you also need a real-time processing engine that can support millions of concurrent users who are placing bets at the same time.

Anthony Rossini

November 15, 2021

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What is SOC 2? How to obtain a SOC 2 Report

I was hired as the compliance manager at Cockroach Labs in November 2020 to help support the compliance workstreams that sprawl across multiple business units. Compliance can be a daunting task for organizations, even if they have a mature security posture, as compliance and security are often linked together but they are not the same thing. Cockroach Labs completed our first SOC 2 Type II audit in April 2021. In this blog post, I will cover details about: What compliance is, When organizations should start to think about compliance, What are common the compliance frameworks that organizations will be audited against, Where to start your company’s compliance journey, and How Cockroach Labs built a set of internal controls to be audited against SOC 2 Type II Trust Services Criteria.

Adam Brennick

November 11, 2021



When to use a serverless database, and when NOT to

Serverless databases are the future. The rise of the serverless database means that developers can enjoy the benefits of traditional relational databases — ACID compliance, familiar SQL, etc. — together with the advantages of serverless databases — elastic scaling, consumption-based billing, bulletproof resilience, etc.


Charlie Custer

November 3, 2021

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Optimize a distributed DB for game developers: Tips from Heroic Labs

You’ve built a cool multiplayer game. Now how do you scale it? Distributed SQL databases are an increasingly popular choice for game devs because they make scaling and fault tolerance easy without sacrificing transactional consistency. But as developers make the switch to distributed databases, there are opportunities for optimization that can be easy to overlook if they haven’t adapted to the distributed mindset. Chris Molozian, the CEO and co-founder of Heroic Labs, knows a lot about optimizing distributed databases for game development. Heroic Labs has made gaming infrastructure its business, and its Nakama gaming servers are powering games from studios such as mobile gaming powerhouse Zynga and PC strategy gaming titan Paradox. Nakama servers use CockroachDB, a distributed SQL database, for “all core data.” And that’s a lot of data: currently, the largest game using Heroic Labs infrastructure has about 300 million players. At that kind of scale, even the tiniest optimizations can make a huge difference. In a recent conversation with Cockroach Labs Principal Product Evangelist Jim Walker, Molozian highlighted two examples of the subtleties of distributed database optimization for game developers.


Charlie Custer

November 1, 2021

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What is a serverless SQL database?

All databases are ultimately just applications. Fundamentally, then, the definition of a serverless database is any database that embodies the core principles of a serverless application: No server management Automatic elastic scale Built-in resiliency and fault tolerance Consumption-based billing Instant access and always available

 Michelle Gienow

Michelle Gienow

October 28, 2021



Build a full-stack Node.js app with CockroachDB Serverless

This article starts entirely from scratch to build a simple app with Node.js, Express.js, and CockroachDB Serverless to collect and display contact information. To follow this tutorial, you just need to know some JavaScript. You can v*iew complete code here on GitHub.*

Roger Winter

October 21, 2021

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CockroachDB and Google Cloud expand partnership, empowering companies to build on cloud-native infrastructure

Only two years after embarking on formal partnerships with the leading cloud providers, Cockroach Labs is excited to announce an expanded strategic alliance with Google Cloud. This partnership is a testament to the array of business and digital transformation benefits companies are witnessing by deploying CockroachDB on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). One such company is Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, which has been using CockroachDB on Google Cloud since 2017. As an international company that processes hundreds of thousands of transactions in over 900 stores located across 47 different countries, guaranteeing data consistency on a secure infrastructure is of utmost importance to Lush.

Aika Zikibayeva

Aika Zikibayeva

October 12, 2021

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A great TypeScript database combo: TypeORM and CockroachDB

So you’re building a TypeScript application. You’ll need a database to power it, and an ORM to link your application to that database. We’d like to suggest a powerful combination that’s surprisingly easy to set up: TypeORM (a popular TypeScript ORM) and CockroachDB. This combination is so powerful, in fact, that we’ve created a narrative-driven tutorial about a powerful wizard that will help you get set up with CockroachDB and link your new distributed SQL database to your application.


Charlie Custer

September 14, 2021

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