View Node Details

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To view details for each node in the cluster, use the cockroach node command with the appropriate subcommands and flags.


Subcommand Usage
ls List the ID of each node in the cluster.
status View the status of one or all nodes.


# List node IDs:
cockroach node ls <flags>

# Show the status of nodes:
cockroach node status <optional node ID> <flags>

# View help:
cockroach node --help
cockroach node ls --help
cockroach node status --help


The node command and subcommands support the following general-use and logging flags.


Flag Description
--certs-dir The path to the certificate directory. The directory must contain valid certificates if running in secure mode.

Default: ${HOME}/.cockroach-certs/
--host The server host to connect to. This can be the address of any node in the cluster.

Default: localhost
--insecure Run in insecure mode. If this flag is not set, the --certs-dir flag must point to valid certificates.

Default: false
--port The server port to connect to.

Default: 26257
--pretty Format table rows printed to the standard output using ASCII art and disable escaping of special characters.

When disabled with --pretty=false, or when the standard output is not a terminal, table rows are printed as tab-separated values, and special characters are escaped. This makes the output easy to parse by other programs.

Default: true when output is a terminal, false otherwise


By default, the node command logs errors to stderr.

If you need to troubleshoot this command's behavior, you can change its logging behavior.


For the node ls command, only the id field is returned for each node. For the node status command, all of the following fields are returned for each node.

Field Description
id The ID of the node.

Required flag: None
address The address of the node.

Required flag: None
build The version of CockroachDB running on the node. If the binary was built from source, this will be the SHA hash of the commit used.

Required flag: None
updated_at The date and time when the node last recorded the information displayed in this command's output. When healthy, a new status should be recorded every 10 seconds or so, but when unhealthy this command's stats may be much older.

Required flag: None
started_at The date and time when the node was started.

Required flag: None
live_bytes The amount of live data used by both applications and the CockroachDB system. This excludes historical and deleted data.

Required flag: --stats or --all
key_bytes The amount of live and non-live data from keys in the key-value storage layer. This does not include data used by the CockroachDB system.

Required flag: --stats or --all
value_bytes The amount of live and non-live data from values in the key-value storage layer. This does not include data used by the CockroachDB system.

Required flag: --stats or --all
intent_bytes The amount of non-live data associated with uncommitted (or recently-committed) transactions.

Required flag: --stats or --all
system_bytes The amount of data used just by the CockroachDB system.

Required flag: --stats or --all
replicas_leaders The number of range replicas on the node that are the Raft leader for their range. See replicas_leaseholders below for more details.

Required flag: --ranges or --all
replicas_leaseholders The number of range replicas on the node that are the leaseholder for their range. A "leaseholder" replica handles all read requests for a range and directs write requests to the range's Raft leader (usually the same replica as the leaseholder).

Required flag: --ranges or --all
ranges The number of ranges that have replicas on the node.

Required flag: --ranges or --all
ranges_unavailable The number of unavailable ranges that have replicas on the node.

Required flag: --ranges or --all
ranges_underreplicated The number of underreplicated ranges that have replicas on the node.

Required flag: --ranges or --all


List node IDs

cockroach node ls --insecure
| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |

Show the status of a single node

cockroach node status 1 --insecure
| id |     address     |           build           |     updated_at      |     started_at      | live_bytes | key_bytes | value_bytes | intent_bytes | system_bytes | leader_ranges | repl_ranges | avail_ranges |
|  1 | localhost:26257 | beta-20160421-42-g62a0fd2 | 2016-04-21 14:41:11 | 2016-04-21 14:12:21 |    4162883 |      4343 |     4159321 |            0 |         3459 |             4 |           4 |            4 |

Show the status of all nodes

cockroach node status --insecure
| id |     address     |           build           |     updated_at      |     started_at      | live_bytes | key_bytes | value_bytes | intent_bytes | system_bytes | leader_ranges | repl_ranges | avail_ranges |
|  1 | localhost:26257 | beta-20160421-42-g62a0fd2 | 2016-04-21 14:41:51 | 2016-04-21 14:12:21 |    4260491 |      4343 |     4256929 |            0 |         3459 |             4 |           4 |            4 |
|  2 | localhost:26258 | beta-20160421-42-g62a0fd2 | 2016-04-21 14:41:53 | 2016-04-21 14:12:53 |    4268625 |      4343 |     4265063 |            0 |         3459 |             1 |           1 |            1 |
|  3 | localhost:26259 | beta-20160421-42-g62a0fd2 | 2016-04-21 14:41:48 | 2016-04-21 14:13:18 |    4252357 |      4343 |     4248795 |            0 |         3459 |             0 |           0 |            0 |

See Also

Other Cockroach Commands

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