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CockroachDB v21.1 is no longer supported as of November 18, 2022. For more details, refer to the Release Support Policy.

For PostgreSQL compatibility, CockroachDB includes a system catalog schema called pg_catalog. The tables in the pg_catalog schema roughly correspond to the system catalogs in PostgreSQL. pg_catalog tables are read-only.

Data exposed by pg_catalog

The tables in CockroachDB's pg_catalog schema correspond to a subset of the virtual tables and views that make up the PostgreSQL system catalogs. Not all PostgreSQL system catalogs have a corresponding table in pg_catalog, and some of the pg_catalog tables are empty. See the following table for a detailed comparison between PostgreSQL 13 system catalogs and pg_catalog tables.

PostgreSQL 13 system catalog pg_catalog table
pg_aggregate pg_aggregate
pg_am pg_am
pg_amop pg_amop (empty)
pg_amproc pg_amproc (empty)
pg_attrdef pg_attrdef
pg_attribute pg_attribute
pg_auth_members pg_auth_members
pg_authid pg_authid
pg_available_extension_versions pg_available_extension_versions (empty)
pg_available_extensions pg_available_extensions
pg_cast pg_cast
pg_class pg_class
pg_collation pg_collation
pg_config pg_config (empty)
pg_constraint pg_constraint
pg_conversion pg_conversion
pg_cursors pg_cursors (empty)
pg_database pg_database
pg_db_role_setting pg_db_role_setting (empty)
pg_default_acl pg_default_acl
pg_depend pg_depend
pg_description pg_description
pg_enum pg_enum
pg_event_trigger pg_event_trigger
pg_extension pg_extension
pg_file_settings pg_file_settings (empty)
pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_foreign_data_wrapper
pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_server
pg_foreign_table pg_foreign_table
pg_group pg_group (empty)
pg_hba_file_rules pg_hba_file_rules (empty)
pg_index pg_index
pg_indexes pg_indexes
pg_inherits pg_inherits
pg_init_privs None
pg_language pg_language (empty)
pg_largeobject pg_largeobject (empty)
pg_largeobject_metadata None
pg_locks pg_locks
pg_matviews pg_matviews
pg_namespace pg_namespace
pg_opclass pg_opclass (empty)
pg_operator pg_operator
pg_opfamily pg_opfamily (empty)
pg_partitioned_table None
pg_policies pg_policies (empty)
pg_policy None
pg_prepared_statements pg_prepared_statements (empty)
pg_prepared_xacts pg_prepared_xacts (empty)
pg_proc pg_proc
pg_publication pg_publication (empty)
pg_publication_rel pg_publication_rel (empty)
pg_publication_tables pg_publication_tables (empty)
pg_range pg_range
pg_replication_origin pg_replication_origin (empty)
pg_replication_origin_status None
pg_replication_slots None
pg_rewrite pg_rewrite
pg_roles pg_roles
pg_rules pg_rules (empty)
pg_seclabel pg_seclabel
pg_seclabels pg_seclabels
pg_sequence pg_sequence
pg_sequences None
pg_settings pg_settings
pg_shadow pg_shadow (empty)
pg_shdepend pg_shdepend (empty)
pg_shdescription pg_shdescription
pg_shmem_allocations pg_shmem_allocations (empty)
pg_shseclabel pg_shseclabel
pg_stat_activity pg_stat_activity
pg_statistic None
pg_statistic_ext pg_statistic_ext (empty)
pg_statistic_ext_data None
pg_stats None
pg_stats_ext None
pg_subscription pg_subscription (empty)
pg_subscription_rel None
pg_tables pg_tables
pg_tablespace pg_tablespace
pg_timezone_abbrevs pg_timezone_abbrevs (empty)
pg_timezone_names pg_timezone_names (empty)
pg_transform pg_transform (empty)
pg_trigger pg_trigger
pg_ts_config pg_ts_config (empty)
pg_ts_config_map pg_ts_config_map (empty)
pg_ts_dict pg_ts_dict (empty)
pg_ts_parser pg_ts_parser (empty)
pg_ts_template pg_ts_template (empty)
pg_type pg_type
pg_user pg_user
pg_user_mapping pg_user_mapping
pg_user_mappings pg_user_mappings (empty)
pg_views pg_views

To list the tables in pg_catalog for the current database, use the following SHOW TABLES statement:

> SHOW TABLES FROM pg_catalog;
  schema_name |       table_name        | type  | owner | estimated_row_count
  pg_catalog  | pg_aggregate            | table | NULL  |                NULL
  pg_catalog  | pg_am                   | table | NULL  |                NULL

To prohibit queries against empty tables, set the stub_catalog_tables session variable to off.

Query pg_catalog tables

You can run SELECT queries on the tables in pg_catalog.


To ensure that you can view all of the tables in pg_catalog, query the tables as a user with admin privileges.


Unless specified otherwise, queries to pg_catalog assume the current database.

For example, to return the pg_catalog table with additional information about indexes in movr database, you can query the pg_catalog.pg_indexes table:

> SELECT * FROM movr.pg_catalog.pg_indexes;
   crdb_oid  | schemaname |         tablename          |                   indexname                   | tablespace |                                                            indexdef
  2055313241 | public     | users                      | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.users USING btree (city ASC, id ASC)
  1795576970 | public     | vehicles                   | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.vehicles USING btree (city ASC, id ASC)
  1795576969 | public     | vehicles                   | vehicles_auto_index_fk_city_ref_users         | NULL       | CREATE INDEX vehicles_auto_index_fk_city_ref_users ON movr.public.vehicles USING btree (city ASC, owner_id ASC)
   450499963 | public     | rides                      | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.rides USING btree (city ASC, id ASC)
   450499960 | public     | rides                      | rides_auto_index_fk_city_ref_users            | NULL       | CREATE INDEX rides_auto_index_fk_city_ref_users ON movr.public.rides USING btree (city ASC, rider_id ASC)
   450499961 | public     | rides                      | rides_auto_index_fk_vehicle_city_ref_vehicles | NULL       | CREATE INDEX rides_auto_index_fk_vehicle_city_ref_vehicles ON movr.public.rides USING btree (vehicle_city ASC, vehicle_id ASC)
  2315049508 | public     | vehicle_location_histories | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.vehicle_location_histories USING btree (city ASC, ride_id ASC, "timestamp" ASC)
   969972501 | public     | promo_codes                | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.promo_codes USING btree (code ASC)
   710236230 | public     | user_promo_codes           | primary                                       | NULL       | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "primary" ON movr.public.user_promo_codes USING btree (city ASC, user_id ASC, code ASC)
(9 rows)

See also

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