- Required privileges
- Synopsis
- Parameters
- Files
- Examples
- Create a changefeed connected to Kafka
- Create a changefeed connected to Kafka using Avro
- Create a changefeed connected to a cloud storage sink
- Create a changefeed with an S3 storage class
- Create a changefeed connected to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- Create a changefeed connected to a webhook sink
- Manage a changefeed
- Start a new changefeed where another ended
- See also
is an Enterprise-only feature. For the core version, see EXPERIMENTAL CHANGEFEED FOR
statement creates a new Enterprise changefeed, which targets an allowlist of tables called "watched rows". Every change to a watched row is emitted as a record in a configurable format (JSON
or Avro) to a configurable sink (Kafka, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, a cloud storage sink, or a webhook sink). You can create, pause, resume, alter, or cancel an Enterprise changefeed.
We recommend reading the Changefeed Messages page for detail on understanding how changefeeds emit messages and Create and Configure Changefeeds for important usage considerations.
Required privileges
To create a changefeed, the user must be a member of the admin
role or have the CREATECHANGEFEED
parameter set.
Parameter | Description |
table_name |
The name of the table (or tables in a comma separated list) to create a changefeed for. Note: Before creating a changefeed, consider the number of changefeeds versus the number of tables to include in a single changefeed. Each scenario can have an impact on total memory usage or changefeed performance. Refer to Create and Configure Changefeeds for more detail. |
sink |
The location of the configurable sink. The scheme of the URI indicates the type. For more information, see Sink URI. Note: If you create a changefeed without a sink, your changefeed will run as a core-style changefeed sending messages to the SQL client. For more detail, refer to the Create and Configure Changefeeds page. |
option / value |
For a list of available options and their values, refer to Options. |
Sink URI
The sink URI follows the basic format of:
URI Component | Description |
scheme |
The type of sink: kafka , gcpubsub , any cloud storage sink, or webhook sink. |
host |
The sink's hostname or IP address. |
port |
The sink's port. |
query_parameters |
The sink's query parameters. |
See Changefeed Sinks for considerations when using each sink and detail on configuration.
Example of a Kafka sink URI:
'kafka://broker.address.com:9092?topic_prefix=bar_&tls_enabled=true&ca_cert=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZ&sasl_enabled=true&sasl_user={sasl user}&sasl_password={url-encoded password}&sasl_mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256'
Google Cloud Pub/Sub
The Google Cloud Pub/Sub sink is currently in beta.
New in v22.1: Example of a Google Cloud Pub/Sub sink URI:
'gcpubsub://{project name}?region={region}&topic_name={topic name}&AUTH=specified&CREDENTIALS={base64-encoded key}'
Use Cloud Storage for Bulk Operations explains the requirements for the authentication parameter with specified
or implicit
. See Changefeed Sinks for further consideration.
Cloud Storage
The following are example file URLs for each of the cloud storage schemes:
Location | Example |
Google Cloud | 'gs://{BUCKET NAME}/{PATH}?AUTH=specified&CREDENTIALS={ENCODED KEY' |
HTTP | 'http://localhost:8080/{PATH}' |
Use Cloud Storage for Bulk Operations explains the requirements for authentication and encryption for each supported cloud storage sink. See Changefeed Sinks for considerations when using cloud storage.
The webhook sink is currently in beta.
Example of a webhook URI:
See Changefeed Sinks for specifics on webhook sink configuration.
Query parameters
Parameters should always be URI-encoded before they are included the changefeed's URI, as they often contain special characters. Use Javascript's encodeURIComponent function or Go language's url.QueryEscape function to URI-encode the parameters. Other languages provide similar functions to URI-encode special characters.
Query parameters include:
Parameter | Sink Type |
Type |
Description |
ca_cert |
Kafka, webhook, (Confluent schema registry) | STRING |
The base64-encoded ca_cert file. Specify ca_cert for a Kafka sink, webhook sink, and/or a Confluent schema registry. For usage with a Kafka sink, see Kafka Sink URI. It's necessary to state https in the schema registry's address when passing ca_cert : confluent_schema_registry='https://schema_registry:8081?ca_cert=LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZ' See confluent_schema_registry for more detail on using this option. Note: To encode your ca.cert , run base64 -w 0 ca.cert . |
client_cert |
Kafka, webhook | STRING |
The base64-encoded Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) certificate. This is used with client_key . |
client_key |
Kafka, webhook | STRING |
The base64-encoded private key for the PEM certificate. This is used with client_cert .Note: Client keys are often encrypted. You will receive an error if you pass an encrypted client key in your changefeed statement. To decrypt the client key, run: openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key.decrypt.pem -passin pass:{PASSWORD} . Once decrypted, be sure to update your changefeed statement to use the new key.decrypt.pem file instead. |
file_size |
cloud | STRING |
The file will be flushed (i.e., written to the sink) when it exceeds the specified file size. This can be used with the WITH resolved option, which flushes on a specified cadence. Default: 16MB |
insecure_tls_skip_verify |
Kafka, webhook | BOOL |
If true , disable client-side validation of responses. Note that a CA certificate is still required; this parameter means that the client will not verify the certificate. Warning: Use this query parameter with caution, as it creates MITM vulnerabilities unless combined with another method of authentication. Default: false |
partition_format |
cloud | STRING |
New in v22.1: Specify how changefeed file paths are partitioned in cloud storage sinks. Use partition_format with the following values:
For example: CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR TABLE users INTO 'gs://...?AUTH...&partition_format=hourly' Default: daily |
S3_storage_class |
Amazon S3 cloud storage sink | STRING |
Specify the Amazon S3 storage class for files created by the changefeed. See Create a changefeed with an S3 storage class for the available classes and an example. Default: STANDARD |
sasl_enabled |
Kafka | BOOL |
If true , the authentication protocol can be set to SCRAM or PLAIN using the sasl_mechanism parameter. You must have tls_enabled set to true to use SASL. Default: false |
sasl_mechanism |
Kafka | STRING |
Can be set to SCRAM-SHA-256 , SCRAM-SHA-512 , or PLAIN . A sasl_user and sasl_password are required. Default: PLAIN |
sasl_password |
Kafka | STRING |
Your SASL password. Note: Passwords should be URL encoded since the value can contain characters that would cause authentication to fail. |
sasl_user |
Kafka | STRING |
Your SASL username. |
topic_name |
Kafka, GC Pub/Sub | STRING |
Allows arbitrary topic naming for Kafka and GC Pub/Sub topics. See the Kafka topic naming limitations or GC Pub/Sub topic naming for detail on supported characters etc. For example, CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR foo,bar INTO 'kafka://sink?topic_name=all' will emit all records to a topic named all . Note that schemas will still be registered separately. When using Kafka, this option can be combined with the topic_prefix option (this is not supported for GC Pub/Sub). Default: table name. |
topic_prefix |
Kafka, cloud | STRING |
Adds a prefix to all topic names. For example, CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR TABLE foo INTO 'kafka://...?topic_prefix=bar_' would emit rows under the topic bar_foo instead of foo . |
tls_enabled |
Kafka | BOOL |
If true , enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) on the connection to Kafka. This can be used with a ca_cert (see below). Default: false |
Option | Value | Description |
avro_schema_prefix |
Schema prefix name | Provide a namespace for the schema of a table in addition to the default, the table name. This allows multiple databases or clusters to share the same schema registry when the same table name is present in multiple databases. Example: CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR foo WITH format=avro, confluent_schema_registry='registry_url', avro_schema_prefix='super' will register subjects as superfoo-key and superfoo-value with the namespace super . |
compression |
gzip |
Compress changefeed data files written to a cloud storage sink. Currently, only Gzip is supported for compression. |
confluent_schema_registry |
Schema Registry address | The Schema Registry address is required to use avro .Use the timeout={duration} query parameter (duration string) in your Confluent Schema Registry URI to change the default timeout for contacting the schema registry. By default, the timeout is 30 seconds.To connect to Confluent Cloud, use the following URL structure: 'https://{API_KEY_ID}:{API_SECRET_URL_ENCODED}@{CONFLUENT_REGISTRY_URL}:443' . See the Stream a Changefeed to a Confluent Cloud Kafka Cluster tutorial for further detail. |
cursor |
Timestamp | Emit any changes after the given timestamp, but does not output the current state of the table first. If cursor is not specified, the changefeed starts by doing an initial scan of all the watched rows and emits the current value, then moves to emitting any changes that happen after the scan.When starting a changefeed at a specific cursor , the cursor cannot be before the configured garbage collection window (see gc.ttlseconds ) for the table you're trying to follow; otherwise, the changefeed will error. With default garbage collection settings, this means you cannot create a changefeed that starts more than 25 hours in the past.cursor can be used to start a new changefeed where a previous changefeed ended.Example: CURSOR='1536242855577149065.0000000000' |
diff |
N/A | Publish a before field with each message, which includes the value of the row before the update was applied. |
end_time |
Timestamp | New in v22.1: Indicate the timestamp up to which the changefeed will emit all events and then complete with a successful status. Provide a future timestamp to end_time in number of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. For example, end_time="1655402400000000000" . You cannot use end_time and initial_scan = 'only' simultaneously. |
envelope |
key_only / row * / wrapped |
key_only emits only the key and no value, which is faster if you only want to know when the key changes.row emits the row without any additional metadata fields in the message. *You can only use row with Kafka sinks or sinkless changefeeds. row does not support avro format.wrapped emits the full message including any metadata fields. See Responses for more detail on message format.Default: envelope=wrapped |
format |
json / avro / csv * |
Format of the emitted record. For mappings of CockroachDB types to Avro types, see the table and detail on Avro limitations. New in v22.1: * format=csv works only in combination with initial_scan = 'only' . You cannot combine format=csv with the diff or resolved options. See Export data with changefeeds for details using these options to create a changefeed as an alternative to EXPORT . Default: format=json . |
full_table_name |
N/A | Use fully qualified table name in topics, subjects, schemas, and record output instead of the default table name. This can prevent unintended behavior when the same table name is present in multiple databases. Note: This option cannot modify existing table names used as topics, subjects, etc., as part of an ALTER CHANGEFEED statement. To modify a topic, subject, etc., to use a fully qualified table name, create a new changefeed with this option. Example: CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR foo... WITH full_table_name will create the topic name defaultdb.public.foo instead of foo . |
initial_scan |
yes /no /only |
Control whether or not an initial scan will occur at the start time of a changefeed. Only one initial_scan option (yes , no , or only ) can be used. If none of these are set, an initial scan will occur if there is no cursor , and will not occur if there is one. This preserves the behavior from previous releases. With initial_scan = 'only' set, the changefeed job will end with a successful status (succeeded ) after the initial scan completes. You cannot specify yes , no , only simultaneously. If used in conjunction with cursor , an initial scan will be performed at the cursor timestamp. If no cursor is specified, the initial scan is performed at now() . Although the initial_scan / no_initial_scan syntax from previous versions is still supported, you cannot combine the previous and current syntax. Note: You cannot use the new initial_scan = "yes"/"no"/"only" syntax with ALTER CHANGEFEED in v22.1. To ensure that you can modify a changefeed with the initial_scan options, use the previous syntax of initial_scan , no_initial_scan , and initial_scan_only .Default: initial_scan = 'yes' |
kafka_sink_config |
Set fields to configure the required level of message acknowledgement from the Kafka server, the version of the server, and batching parameters for Kafka sinks. New in v22.1.12: Set the message file compression type. See Kafka sink configuration for more detail on configuring all the available fields for this option. Example: CREATE CHANGEFEED FOR table INTO 'kafka://localhost:9092' WITH kafka_sink_config='{"Flush": {"MaxMessages": 1, "Frequency": "1s"}, "RequiredAcks": "ONE"}' |
key_in_value |
N/A | Make the primary key of a deleted row recoverable in sinks where each message has a value but not a key (most have a key and value in each message). key_in_value is automatically used for cloud storage sinks, webhook sinks, and GC Pub/Sub sinks. |
metrics_label |
This is an experimental feature. Define a metrics label to which the metrics for one or multiple changefeeds increment. All changefeeds also have their metrics aggregated. The maximum length of a label is 128 bytes. There is a limit of 1024 unique labels. WITH metrics_label=label_name For more detail on usage and considerations, see Using changefeed metrics labels. |
min_checkpoint_frequency |
Duration string | Controls how often nodes flush their progress to the coordinating changefeed node. Changefeeds will wait for at least the specified duration before a flush to the sink. This can help you control the flush frequency of higher latency sinks to achieve better throughput. If this is set to 0s , a node will flush as long as the high-water mark has increased for the ranges that particular node is processing. If a changefeed is resumed, then min_checkpoint_frequency is the amount of time that changefeed will need to catch up. That is, it could emit duplicate messages during this time. Note: resolved messages will not be emitted more frequently than the configured min_checkpoint_frequency (but may be emitted less frequently). Since min_checkpoint_frequency defaults to 30s , you must configure min_checkpoint_frequency to at least the desired resolved message frequency if you require resolved messages more frequently than 30s .Default: 30s |
mvcc_timestamp |
N/A | Include the MVCC timestamp for each emitted row in a changefeed. With the mvcc_timestamp option, each emitted row will always contain its MVCC timestamp, even during the changefeed's initial backfill. |
on_error |
pause / fail |
Use on_error=pause to pause the changefeed when encountering non-retryable errors. on_error=pause will pause the changefeed instead of sending it into a terminal failure state. Note: Retryable errors will continue to be retried with this option specified. Use with protect_data_from_gc_on_pause to protect changes from garbage collection. Default: on_error=fail |
protect_data_from_gc_on_pause |
N/A | When a changefeed is paused, ensure that the data needed to resume the changefeed is not garbage collected. If protect_data_from_gc_on_pause is unset, pausing the changefeed will release the existing protected timestamp records. It is also important to note that pausing and adding protect_data_from_gc_on_pause to a changefeed will not protect data if the garbage collection window has already passed. Use with on_error=pause to protect changes from garbage collection when encountering non-retryable errors. See Garbage collection and changefeeds for more detail on protecting changefeed data. Note: If you use this option, changefeeds that are left paused for long periods of time can prevent garbage collection. |
resolved |
Duration string | Emits resolved timestamp events per changefeed in a format dependent on the connected sink. Resolved timestamp events do not emit until all ranges in the changefeed have progressed to a specific point in time. Set an optional minimal duration between emitting resolved timestamps. Example: resolved='10s' . This option will only emit a resolved timestamp event if the timestamp has advanced and at least the optional duration has elapsed. If unspecified, all resolved timestamps are emitted as the high-water mark advances.Note: If you require resolved message frequency under 30s , then you must set the min_checkpoint_frequency option to at least the desired resolved frequency. This is because resolved messages will not be emitted more frequently than min_checkpoint_frequency , but may be emitted less frequently. |
schema_change_events |
default / column_changes |
The type of schema change event that triggers the behavior specified by the schema_change_policy option:
Default: schema_change_events=default |
schema_change_policy |
backfill / nobackfill / stop |
The behavior to take when an event specified by the schema_change_events option occurs:
Default: schema_change_policy=backfill |
split_column_families |
N/A | Use this option to create a changefeed on a table with multiple column families. The changefeed will emit messages for each of the table's column families. See Changefeeds on tables with column families for more usage detail. |
topic_in_value |
Set to include the topic in each emitted row update. Note this is automatically set for webhook sinks. |
updated |
N/A | Include updated timestamps with each row. If a cursor is provided, the "updated" timestamps will match the MVCC timestamps of the emitted rows, and there is no initial scan. If a cursor is not provided, the changefeed will perform an initial scan (as of the time the changefeed was created), and the "updated" timestamp for each change record emitted in the initial scan will be the timestamp of the initial scan. Similarly, when a backfill is performed for a schema change, the "updated" timestamp is set to the first timestamp for when the new schema is valid. |
virtual_columns |
New in v22.1: Changefeeds omit virtual computed columns from emitted messages by default. To maintain the behavior of previous CockroachDB versions where the changefeed would emit NULL values for virtual computed columns, set virtual_columns = "null" when you start a changefeed. You may also define virtual_columns = "omitted" , though this is already the default behavior for v22.1+. If you do not set "omitted" on a table with virtual computed columns when you create a changefeed, you will receive a warning that changefeeds will filter out virtual computed values. Default: "omitted" |
webhook_auth_header |
Pass a value (password, token etc.) to the HTTP Authorization header with a webhook request for a "Basic" HTTP authentication scheme. Example: With a username of "user" and password of "pwd", add a colon between "user:pwd" and then base64 encode, which results in "dXNlcjpwd2Q=". WITH webhook_auth_header='Basic dXNlcjpwd2Q=' . |
webhook_client_timeout |
If a response is not recorded from the sink within this timeframe, it will error and retry to connect. Note this must be a positive value. Default: "3s" |
webhook_sink_config |
Set fields to configure sink batching and retries. The schema is as follows:{ "Flush": { "Messages": ..., "Bytes": ..., "Frequency": ..., }, "Retry": {"Max": ..., "Backoff": ..., } } . Note that if either Messages or Bytes are nonzero, then a non-zero value for Frequency must be provided. See Webhook sink configuration for more details on using this option. |
Using the format=avro
, envelope=key_only
, and updated
options together is rejected. envelope=key_only
prevents any rows with updated fields from being emitted, which makes the updated
option meaningless.
The files emitted to a sink use the following naming conventions:
General file format
For example:
New in v22.1:
When emitting changefeed messages to a cloud storage sink, you can specify a partition format for your files using the partition_format
query parameter. This will result in the following file path formats:
: This is the default option and will follow the same pattern as the previous general file format.hourly
: This will partition into an hourly directory as the changefeed emits messages, like the following:/2020-04-02/20/202004022058072107140000000000000-56087568dba1e6b8-1-72-00000000-test_table-1.ndjson
: This will result in no file partitioning. The cloud storage path you specify when creating a changefeed will store all of the message files with no additional directories created.
Resolved file format
For example:
Before running any of the examples in this section it is necessary to enable the kv.rangefeed.enabled
cluster setting. If you are working on a CockroachDB Serverless cluster, this cluster setting is enabled by default.
The following examples show the syntax for managing changefeeds and starting changefeeds to specific sinks. The Options table on this page provides a list of all the available options. For information on sink-specific query parameters and configurations see the Changefeed Sinks page.
Create a changefeed connected to Kafka
INTO 'kafka://host:port'
WITH updated, resolved;
| job_id |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)
For step-by-step guidance on creating a changefeed connected to Kafka, see the Create a changefeed connected to Kafka example. The parameters table on the Changefeed Sinks page provides a list of all kafka-specific query parameters.
Create a changefeed connected to Kafka using Avro
INTO 'kafka://host:port'
WITH format = avro, confluent_schema_registry = <schema_registry_address>;
| job_id |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)
For more information on how to create a changefeed that emits an Avro record, see this step-by-step example. The parameters table on the Changefeed Sinks page provides a list of all kafka-specific query parameters.
Create a changefeed connected to a cloud storage sink
INTO 'scheme://host?parameters'
WITH updated, resolved;
| job_id |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)
For step-by-step guidance on creating a changefeed connected to a cloud storage sink, see the Changefeed Examples page. The parameters table on the Changefeed Sinks page provides a list of the available cloud storage parameters.
Create a changefeed with an S3 storage class
New in v22.1:
To associate the changefeed message files with a specific storage class in your Amazon S3 bucket, use the S3_STORAGE_CLASS
parameter with the class. For example, the following S3 connection URI specifies the INTELLIGENT_TIERING
storage class:
Use the parameter to set one of these storage classes listed in Amazon's documentation. For more general usage information, see Amazon's Using Amazon S3 storage classes documentation.
Create a changefeed connected to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub
The Google Cloud Pub/Sub sink is currently in beta.
INTO 'gcpubsub://project name?parameters'
WITH resolved;
| job_id |
| 360645287206223873 |
(1 row)
For step-by-step guidance on creating a changefeed connected to a Google Cloud Pub/Sub, see the Changefeed Examples page. The parameters table on the Changefeed Sinks page provides a list of the available Google Cloud Pub/Sub parameters.
Create a changefeed connected to a webhook sink
The webhook sink is currently in beta — see usage considerations, available parameters, and options for more information.
INTO 'webhook-https://{your-webhook-endpoint}?insecure_tls_skip_verify=true'
WITH updated;
| job_id |
| 687842491801632769 |
(1 row)
For step-by-step guidance on creating a changefeed connected to a webhook sink, see the Changefeed Examples page. The parameters table on the Changefeed Sinks page provides a list of the available webhook parameters.
Manage a changefeed
For Enterprise changefeeds, use SHOW CHANGEFEED JOBS
to check the status of your changefeed jobs:
Use the following SQL statements to pause, resume, or cancel a changefeed.
Pause a changefeed
PAUSE JOB job_id;
For more information, see PAUSE JOB
Resume a paused changefeed
RESUME JOB job_id;
For more information, see RESUME JOB
Cancel a changefeed
CANCEL JOB job_id;
For more information, see CANCEL JOB
Modify a changefeed
To modify an Enterprise changefeed, pause the job and then use:
ALTER CHANGEFEED job_id {ADD table DROP table SET option UNSET option};
You can add new table targets, remove them, set new changefeed options, and unset them.
For more information, see ALTER CHANGEFEED
Configuring all changefeeds
It is useful to be able to pause all running changefeeds during troubleshooting, testing, or when a decrease in CPU load is needed.
To pause all running changefeeds:
This will change the status for each of the running changefeeds to paused
, which can be verified with SHOW CHANGEFEED JOBS
To resume all running changefeeds:
This will resume the changefeeds and update the status for each of the changefeeds to running
Start a new changefeed where another ended
Find the high-water timestamp for the ended changefeed:
SELECT * FROM crdb_internal.jobs WHERE job_id = <job_id>;
job_id | job_type | ... | high_water_timestamp | error | coordinator_id
+--------------------+------------+ ... +--------------------------------+-------+----------------+
383870400694353921 | CHANGEFEED | ... | 1537279405671006870.0000000000 | | 1
(1 row)
Use the high_water_timestamp
to start the new changefeed:
INTO 'kafka//host:port'
WITH cursor = '<high_water_timestamp>';
Note that because the cursor is provided, the initial scan is not performed.