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The information_schema system catalog contains information about your database's tables, columns, indexes, and views. This information can be used for introspection and reflection.

Data exposed by information_schema

To perform introspection on objects, you can either read from the related information_schema table or use one of CockroachDB's SHOW statements. information_schema tables are read-only.

Object information_schema Table Corresponding SHOW Statement
Columns columns SHOW COLUMNS
Constraints check_constraints, key_column_usage, referential_constraints, table_constraints SHOW CONSTRAINTS
Databases schemata SHOW DATABASE
Indexes statistics SHOW INDEX
Privileges schema_privileges, table_privileges SHOW GRANTS
Roles role_table_grants SHOW ROLES
Sequences sequences SHOW CREATE SEQUENCE
Tables tables SHOW TABLES
Views tables, views SHOW CREATE

Tables in information_schema

The virtual schema information_schema contains virtual tables, also called "system views," representing the database's objects, each of which is detailed below.

These differ from regular SQL views in that they do not show data created from the content of other tables. Instead, CockroachDB generates the data for virtual tables when they are accessed.


A query can specify a table name without a database name (e.g., SELECT * FROM information_schema.sequences). See Name Resolution for more information.


The virtual tables in information_schema contain useful comments with links to further documentation. To view these comments, use SHOW TABLES FROM information_schema WITH COMMENT:


administrable_role_authorizations identifies all roles that the current user has the admin option for.

Column Description
grantee Name of the user to which this role membership was granted (always the current user).
role_name Name of a role.
is_grantable YES if the grantee has the admin option on the role; NO if not.


applicable_roles identifies all roles whose privileges the current user can use. This implies there is a chain of role grants from the current user to the role in question. The current user itself is also an applicable role, but is not listed.

Column Description
grantee Name of the user to which this role membership was granted (always the current user).
role_name Name of a role.
is_grantable YES if the grantee has the admin option on the role; NO if not.


character_sets identifies the character sets available in the current database.

Column Description
character_set_catalog Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_name Name of the character set (i.e., the name of the database encoding). Always UTF8.
character_repertoire Character repertoire. UCS if the encoding is UTF8; the encoding name if not.
form_of_use Character encoding form (i.e., the name of the database encoding). Always UTF8.
default_collate_catalog Name of the database containing the default collation (if any collation is identified, always the current database).
default_collate_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
default_collate_name Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


check_constraints contains information about the CHECK constraints applied to columns in a database.

Column Description
constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the constraint.
constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the constraint.
constraint_name Name of the constraint.
check_clause Definition of the CHECK constraint.


collations identifies the collations available in the current database.

Column Description
collation_catalog Name of the database containing the collation (always the current database).
collation_schema Name of the schema containing the collation (always pg_catalog).
collation_name Name of the collation.
pad_attribute Always NO PAD (PAD SPACE is not supported by CockroachDB).


collation_character_set_applicability identifies which character set the available collations are applicable to.

Column Description
collation_catalog Name of the database containing the collation (always the current database).
collation_schema Name of the schema containing the collation (always pg_catalog).
collation_name Name of the collation.
character_set_catalog Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_name Name of the character set (always UTF8).


columns contains information about the columns in each table.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database containing the table.
table_schema Name of the schema containing the table.
table_name Name of the table.
column_name Name of the column.
column_comment Comment on the column.
ordinal_position Ordinal position of the column in the table (begins at 1).
column_default Default value for the column.
is_nullable YES if the column accepts NULL values; NO if it doesn't (e.g., it has the NOT NULL constraint).
data_type Data type of the column.
character_maximum_length If data_type is STRING, the maximum length in characters of a value; otherwise NULL.
character_octet_length If data_type is STRING, the maximum length in octets (bytes) of a value; otherwise NULL.
numeric_precision If data_type is numeric, the declared or implicit precision (i.e., number of significant digits); otherwise NULL.
numeric_precision_radix If data_type identifies a numeric type, the base in which the values in the columns numeric_precision and numeric_scale are expressed (either 2 or 10). For all other data types, column is NULL.
numeric_scale If data_type is an exact numeric type, the scale (i.e., number of digits to the right of the decimal point); otherwise NULL.
datetime_precision The precision level of columns with data type TIME/TIMETZ, TIMESTAMP/TIMESTAMPTZ, or INTERVAL. For all other data types, this column is NULL.
interval_type If data_type is INTERVAL, the specified fields (e.g., YEAR TO MONTH); otherwise NULL.
interval_precision If data_type is INTERVAL, the declared or implicit precision (i.e., number of significant digits); otherwise NULL.
character_set_catalog Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
character_set_name Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
collation_catalog Name of the database containing the collation (always the current database); NULL if the default collation is used, or if data_type is not collatable.
collation_schema Name of the schema containing the collation; NULL if the default collation is used, or if data_type is not collatable.
collation_name Name of the collation; NULL if the default collation is used, or if data_type is not collatable.
domain_catalog Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
domain_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
domain_name Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
udt_catalog Name of the column data type's database (always the current database).
udt_schema Name of the column data type's schema.
udt_name Name of the column data type.
scope_catalog Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
scope_schema Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
scope_name Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
maximum_cardinality Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
dtd_identifier Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_self_referencing Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_identity Whether or not the column is an identity column (always NO).
identity_generation Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
identity_start If the column is an identity column, then the start value of the internal sequence, else NULL.
identity_increment If the column is an identity column, then the increment of the internal sequence, else NULL.
identity_maximum If the column is an identity column, then the maximum value of the internal sequence, else NULL.
identity_minimum If the column is an identity column, then the minimum value of the internal sequence, else NULL.
identity_cycle If the column is an identity column, then YES if the internal sequence cycles or NO if it does not; otherwise NULL.
is_generated Whether or not the column is generated (i.e., a computed column). Possible values: YES or NO.
generation_expression The expression used for computing the column value in a computed column.
is_updatable Whether or not the column is able to be updated. Possible values: YES or NO.
is_hidden Whether or not the column is hidden. Possible values: YES or NO.
crdb_sql_type Data type of the column.


column_privileges identifies all privileges granted on columns to or by a currently enabled role. There is one row for each combination of grantor, grantee, and column (defined by table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, and column_name).

Column Description
grantor Name of the role that granted the privilege.
grantee Name of the role that was granted the privilege.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the table that contains the column (always the current database).
table_schema Name of the schema containing the table that contains the column.
table_name Name of the table.
column_name Name of the column.
privilege_type Name of the privilege.
is_grantable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


column_udt_usage identifies all columns that use data types owned by a currently-enabled role.

Column Description
udt_catalog Name of the database in which the column data type is defined (always the current database).
udt_schema Name of the schema in which the column data type is defined.
udt_name Name of the column data type.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the table (always the current database).
table_schema Name of the schema containing the table.
table_name Name of the table.
column_name Name of the column.


constraint_column_usage identifies all columns in a database that are used by some constraint.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint.
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint.
table_name Name of the table that contains the column that is used by some constraint.
column_name Name of the column that is used by some constraint.
constraint_catalog Name of the database that contains the constraint.
constraint_schema Name of the schema that contains the constraint.
constraint_name Name of the constraint.


The enabled_roles view identifies enabled roles for the current user. This includes both direct and indirect roles.

Column Description
role_name Name of a role.


key_column_usage identifies columns with PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, or foreign key / REFERENCES constraints.

Column Description
constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the constraint.
constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the constraint.
constraint_name Name of the constraint.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the constrained table.
table_schema Name of the schema containing the constrained table.
table_name Name of the constrained table.
column_name Name of the constrained column.
ordinal_position Ordinal position of the column within the constraint (begins at 1).
position_in_unique_constraint For foreign key constraints, ordinal position of the referenced column within its uniqueness constraint (begins at 1).


referential_constraints identifies all referential (foreign key) constraints.

Column Description
constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the constraint.
constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the constraint.
constraint_name Name of the constraint.
unique_constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint that the foreign key constraint references (always the current database).
unique_constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint that the foreign key constraint references.
unique_constraint_name Name of the UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint.
match_option Match option of the foreign key constraint: FULL, PARTIAL, or NONE.
update_rule Update rule of the foreign key constraint: CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, or NO ACTION.
delete_rule Delete rule of the foreign key constraint: CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, or NO ACTION.
table_name Name of the table containing the constraint.
referenced_table_name Name of the table containing the UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint that the foreign key constraint references.


role_table_grants identifies which privileges have been granted on tables or views where the grantor or grantee is a currently enabled role. This table is identical to table_privileges.

Column Description
grantor Name of the role that granted the privilege.
grantee Name of the role that was granted the privilege.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the table.
table_schema Name of the schema containing the table.
table_name Name of the table.
privilege_type Name of the privilege.
is_grantable New in v22.1: TRUE if the grantee has the grant option on the object; FALSE if not.
with_hierarchy Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


schema_privileges identifies which privileges have been granted to each user at the database level.

Column Description
grantee Username of user with grant.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the constrained table.
table_schema Name of the schema containing the constrained table.
privilege_type Name of the privilege.
is_grantable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


schemata identifies the database's schemas.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database.
table_schema Name of the schema.
default_character_set_name Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
sql_path Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


sequences identifies sequences defined in a database.

Column Description
sequence_catalog Name of the database that contains the sequence.
sequence_schema Name of the schema that contains the sequence.
sequence_name Name of the sequence.
data_type The data type of the sequence.
numeric_precision The (declared or implicit) precision of the sequence data_type.
numeric_precision_radix The base of the values in which the columns numeric_precision and numeric_scale are expressed. The value is either 2 or 10.
numeric_scale The (declared or implicit) scale of the sequence data_type. The scale indicates the number of significant digits to the right of the decimal point. It can be expressed in decimal (base 10) or binary (base 2) terms, as specified in the column numeric_precision_radix.
start_value The first value of the sequence.
minimum_value The minimum value of the sequence.
maximum_value The maximum value of the sequence.
increment The value by which the sequence is incremented. A negative number creates a descending sequence. A positive number creates an ascending sequence.
cycle_option Currently, all sequences are set to NO CYCLE and the sequence will not wrap.


session_variables contains information about the session variable settings for your session. session_variables contains a variable column and a value column. The value column corresponds to the output of the SHOW {session variable} statement.

For a list of the session variables, see supported variables.


statistics identifies table indexes.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the constrained table.
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the constrained table.
table_name Name of the table.
non_unique NO if the index was created with the UNIQUE constraint; YES if the index was not created with UNIQUE.
index_schema Name of the schema that contains the index.
index_name Name of the index.
seq_in_index Ordinal position of the column within the index (begins at 1).
column_name Name of the column being indexed.
collation Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
cardinality Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
direction ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) order.
storing YES if column is stored; NO if it's indexed or implicit.
implicit YES if column is implicit (i.e., it is not specified in the index and not stored); NO if it's indexed or stored.


table_constraints identifies constraints applied to tables.

Column Description
constraint_catalog Name of the database containing the constraint.
constraint_schema Name of the schema containing the constraint.
constraint_name Name of the constraint.
table_catalog Name of the database containing the constrained table.
table_schema Name of the schema containing the constrained table.
table_name Name of the constrained table.
constraint_type Type of constraint: CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY, or UNIQUE.
NOT NULL constraints appear as CHECK constraints in this column.
is_deferrable YES if the constraint can be deferred; NO if not.
initially_deferred YES if the constraint is deferrable and initially deferred; NO if not.


table_privileges identifies which privileges have been granted to each user at the table level.

Column Description
grantor Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
grantee Username of the user with grant.
table_catalog Name of the database that the grant applies to.
table_schema Name of the schema that the grant applies to.
table_name Name of the table that the grant applies to.
is_grantable New in v22.1: TRUE if the grantee has the grant option on the object; FALSE if not.
with_hierarchy Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


tables identifies tables and views in the database.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the table.
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the table.
table_name Name of the table.
table_type Type of the table: BASE TABLE for a normal table, VIEW for a view, or SYSTEM VIEW for a view created by CockroachDB.
version Version number of the table; versions begin at 1 and are incremented each time an ALTER TABLE statement is issued on the table. Note that this column is an experimental feature used for internal purposes inside CockroachDB and its definition is subject to change without notice.


type_privileges contains information about privileges on the user-defined types in the current database.

Column Description
grantee Username of user with privilege grant.
type_catalog Name of the database that contains the type (always the current database).
type_schema Name of the schema that contains the type.
type_name Name of the type.
privilege_type Type of privilege.


user_privileges identifies global privileges.

Column Description
grantee Username of user with grant.
table_catalog Name of the database that the privilege applies to.
privilege_type Type of privilege.
is_grantable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).


views identifies views in the database.

Column Description
table_catalog Name of the database that contains the view.
table_schema Name of the schema that contains the view.
table_name Name of the view.
view_definition AS clause used to create the view.
check_option Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_updatable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_insertable_into Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_trigger_updatable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_trigger_deletable Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).
is_trigger_insertable_into Always NULL (unsupported by CockroachDB).

Empty tables

For compatibility with third-party PostgreSQL and MySQL tooling, information_schema includes the following empty tables:

  • attributes
  • check_constraint_routine_usage
  • column_column_usage
  • column_domain_usage
  • column_options
  • column_statistics
  • columns_extensions
  • constraint_table_usage
  • data_type_privileges
  • domain_constraints
  • domain_udt_usage
  • domains
  • element_types
  • engines
  • events
  • files
  • foreign_data_wrapper_options
  • foreign_data_wrappers
  • foreign_server_options
  • foreign_servers
  • foreign_table_options
  • foreign_tables
  • information_schema_catalog_name
  • keywords
  • optimizer_trace
  • parameters
  • partitions
  • plugins
  • processlist
  • profiling
  • resource_groups
  • role_column_grants
  • role_routine_grants
  • role_udt_grants
  • role_usage_grants
  • routines
  • routine_privileges
  • schemata_extensions
  • sql_features
  • sql_implementation_info
  • sql_parts
  • sql_sizing
  • st_geometry_columns
  • st_spatial_reference_systems
  • st_units_of_measure
  • table_constraints_extensions
  • tables_extensions
  • tablespaces
  • tablespaces_extensions
  • transforms
  • triggered_update_columns
  • triggers
  • udt_privileges
  • usage_privileges
  • user_attributes
  • user_defined_types
  • user_mapping_options
  • user_mappings
  • view_column_usage
  • view_routine_usage
  • view_table_usage

Querying information_schema tables

You can run SELECT queries on the tables in information_schema.


The information_schema views typically represent objects that the current user has privilege to access. To ensure you can view all the objects in a database, access it as a user with admin privileges.


Unless specified otherwise, queries to information_schema assume the current database.

For example, to retrieve all columns from the table_constraints table:

SELECT * FROM movr.information_schema.table_constraints;
  constraint_catalog | constraint_schema |       constraint_name        | table_catalog | table_schema |         table_name         | constraint_type | is_deferrable | initially_deferred
  movr               | public            | users_pkey                   | movr          | public       | users                      | PRIMARY KEY     | NO            | NO
  movr               | public            | 3426283741_53_1_not_null     | movr          | public       | users                      | CHECK           | NO            | NO
  movr               | public            | 3426283741_53_2_not_null     | movr          | public       | users                      | CHECK           | NO            | NO
  movr               | public            | vehicles_pkey                | movr          | public       | vehicles                   | PRIMARY KEY     | NO            | NO
(25 rows)

And to retrieve specific columns from the table_constraints table:

SELECT table_name, constraint_name FROM movr.information_schema.table_constraints;
          table_name         |       constraint_name
  users                      | primary
  users                      | 3426283741_53_1_not_null
  users                      | 3426283741_53_2_not_null
  vehicles                   | primary
(25 rows)

See also

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