Cluster Single Sign-on (SSO) using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

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CockroachDB clusters allow users to authenticate with Single Sign-on (SSO), both to the DB Console, and for SQL client access.

Cluster single sign-on (SSO) enables users to access the SQL interface of a CockroachDB cluster (whether provisioned on CockroachDB Cloud or self-hosted) with the full security of single sign-on (SSO), and the choice of a variety of cloud-based or customer-managed identity providers (IdPs).

Advanced clusters can provision their users with Java Web Tokens (JWTs) via the DB Console. This allows users to authenticate to a cluster by signing in to their IdP (for example, Okta or Google) with a link embedded in the DB Console. This flow provisions a JWT that a user can copy out of the DB Console UI and use in a SQL connection string to authenticate to the cluster.


Cluster single sign-on for the DB Console is supported on CockroachDB Enterprise and Advanced clusters. CockroachDB Standard and Basic clusters do not support cluster single sign-on and do not have access to the DB Console. However, both CockroachDB Standard and CockroachDB Basic clusters can use Cluster Single Sign-on (SSO) to authenticate to the ccloud command-line interface and to the CockroachDB Cloud Console.

The page describes how to configure a cluster for cluster single sign-on using JWTs and then how users can authenticate using the JWTs. If you're a user ready to sign in to the DB Console with JWTs, you can skip the configuration section:


  • You must have your cluster pre-configured for OIDC/SSO authentication for DB Console. Use the Single Sign-on (SSO) for DB Console guide to set this up.

  • SQL users/credentials:

    • You must have the ability to update your cluster settings, which can be achieved in several ways. Refer to SET CLUSTER SETTING: Required permissions .
    • A SQL user that corresponds with your external identity must be pre-provisioned on the cluster. To provision such users, you must have access to the admin role.

Configure your cluster for SSO

Cluster Settings

You must configure the cluster settings in the following table to enable JWT authentication to your cluster. Refer to the Update your cluster settings section to configure your cluster settings.

Cluster Setting Description
server.jwt_authentication.enabled Defaults to false, must be set to true to enable embedded JWT generation.
server.jwt_authentication.jwks A list of public signing keys for allowed IdPs; must include your IdP's key. If server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled is true, there is no need to set server.jwt_authentication.jwks.
server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled If true, public signing keys are automatically fetched from the issuer and there is no need to set server.jwt_authentication.jwks. Defaults to false.
server.jwt_authentication.issuers.configuration A list of accepted token issuers; must include your IdP. Can be any of the following:
  • A string representing a valid issuer URL
  • A string that contains a JSON array of issuer URLs
  • A string that contains a JSON map of issuer URLs to JWKS URIs
The format is detected automatically. Refer to the configuration examples. The previous cluster setting name server.jwt_authentication.issuers is aliased to this setting.
server.jwt_authentication.issuer_custom_ca A string that contains the name of the custom root CA to use for verifying certificates when fetching a JWKS from the issuer.
server.jwt_authentication.client.timeout An optional HTTP client timeout for external calls made during JWT authentication, in seconds. Defaults to 15 seconds.
server.jwt_authentication.audience This must match server.oidc_authentication.client_id; refer to Single Sign-on (SSO) for DB Console.
server.jwt_authentication.claim The JWT field that will be used to determine the user identity in CockroachDB; normally set either to email, or sub (subject).
server.oidc_authentication.generate_cluster_sso_token.enabled Enables token generation; must be set to true.
server.oidc_authentication.generate_cluster_sso_token.use_token Selects which part of the received OIDC credentials to display.
server.identity_map.configuration Takes an Identity Map configuration.
server.sql_host This display value informs users the host for their SQL connections. Default: localhost.
server.sql_port This display value informs users the port for their SQL connections. Default: 26257.

Update your cluster settings


Single Sign-on (SSO) for DB Console and cluster SSO cannot be configured with different IdPs.

Follow these steps to configure Cluster SSO.

  1. In your IdP, find:

    • The issuer name, which can be found in the iss field of a JWT.
    • The issuer's OpenID configuration endpoint, which is typically published at https://{ issuer URL }/.well-known/openid-configuration. The issuer URL is the domain portion of the configuration endpoint. From the full endpoint, you can find the issuer URL, and vice versa. For example, the issuer URL for CockroachDB Cloud is and the configuration endpoint is The configuration endpoint for Google Cloud is and the configuration endpoint is If you omit the .well-known/openid-configuration portion, it is appended automatically.
    • The public signing key your issuer uses to sign JWTs. Your cluster will reject JWTs that are not signed by this key. Fetch the public signing key from the configuration endpoint. For example:

      curl --silent | jq .jwks_uri | xargs curl
        "keys": [
            "alg": "RS256",
            "use": "sig",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "kty": "RSA",
            "kid": "7c0b6913fe13820a333399ace426e70535a9a0bf",
            "n": "lWXY0XOj_ikSIDIvGOhfuRhQJAAj6BWsbbZ6P-PXRclzV32-QLB4GZHPPcH37Lou5pQsTQPvTETAfCLnglIRSbP8x1zA5tUakRlm5RiGF4kcWh5k60x8u0Uslx-d6EueKuY-KLHUVDuMULlHkYAScIdYnXz-Cnr6PFZj8RQezzdPVPH53Q8a_Z9b-vpGzsMS5gszITb-72OQNokojXdPVctl5WzSx-JnWbJxPiwHx_dSWgmTnyiYrZLqrqfampGdroaamtIXy0W8CAe0uCqcD1LunpfX-Q-RD1IycxnEaXSuUKhNhCcxtHWrozEyeD23Zja2WlcvHdYuTzyrvrvS9Q"
            "kid": "6f7254101f56e41cf35c9926de84a2d552b4c6f1",
            "e": "AQAB",
            "alg": "RS256",
            "use": "sig",
            "n": "oUriU8GqbRw-avcMn95DGW1cpZR1IoM6L7krfrWvLSSCcSX6Ig117o25Yk7QWBiJpaPV0FbP7Y5-DmThZ3SaF0AXW-3BsKPEXfFfeKVc6vBqk3t5mKlNEowjdvNTSzoOXO5UIHwsXaxiJlbMRalaFEUm-2CKgmXl1ss_yGh1OHkfnBiGsfQUndKoHiZuDzBMGw8Sf67am_Ok-4FShK0NuR3-q33aB_3Z7obC71dejSLWFOEcKUVCaw6DGVuLog3x506h1QQ1r0FXKOQxnmqrRgpoHqGSouuG35oZve1vgCU4vLZ6EAgBAbC0KL35I7_0wUDSMpiAvf7iZxzJVbspkQ",
            "kty": "RSA"
  2. Enable JWT SQL authentication for your cluster:

    SET CLUSTER SETTING server.jwt_authentication.enabled = true;
  3. Add your IdP's issuer URL to your cluster's list of accepted token issuers. If you have already configured Single Sign-on (SSO) for DB Console, the issuer URL must match the value of server.oidc_authentication.provider_url.

    SET CLUSTER SETTING server.jwt_authentication.issuers.configuration = '';
  4. Configure your cluster's audience, which is your cluster's ID (or JSON array of IDs) in your IdP. The audience is a mechanism for limiting the clients that can obtain JWTs from your IdP. If you have already configured Single Sign-on (SSO) for DB Console, the issuer URL must match the value of server.oidc_authentication.client_id.

    Many third-party token issuers, including GCP and Azure, default to creating tokens with a generic default audience. We recommend limiting the scope of access tokens if possible.

    By extension, if your provider allows you to specify scopes or permissions on the token, we recommend configuring the scopes or permissions to be as restrictive as possible.

    SET CLUSTER SETTING server.jwt_authentication.audience = '';
  5. Configure the field in the JWT that contains the email address that corresponds to a SQL user.

    SET CLUSTER SETTING server.jwt_authentication.claim = 'email';
  6. Add your IdP's public signing key, which you found previously, to your cluster's list of acceptable signing JSON web keys (JWKS). Your cluster will reject JWTs that are not signed by a signing key that is listed in server.jwt_authentication.jwks. If you want to enable automatic fetching of signing keys instead of configuring static signing keys, skip this step.

    IdPs such as Google rotate their signing keys periodically. You must update your cluster with a new signing key before the previous one expires, or your SQL clients will be unable to connect with cluster SSO. We recommend updating this cluster setting with the current key daily to avoid this scenario. Alternatively, you can enable server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled to automatically fetch signing keys from the issuer instead of maintaining a static list of signing keys. If server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled is enabled, then server.jwt_authentication.jwks is ignored.

    By default, CockroachDB Advanced clusters are configured with CockroachDB Cloud's public key, so that CockroachDB Cloud can serve as an IdP. This is required for SSO with ccloud. When modifying this cluster setting, do not omit the CockroachDB Cloud public key from the key set, or SSO with ccloud will no longer work.

    The public key for can be found at

    Replace the full contents of keys with the list of keys you found previously.

    SET CLUSTER SETTING server.jwt_authentication.jwks = '{
      "keys": [
  7. Instead of setting server.jwt_authentication.jwks to a list of static signing keys, you can set server.server.jwt_authentication.jwks_auto_fetch.enabled to true to enable automatic fetching of signing keys for the issuers specified in server.jwt_authentication.issuers.configuration. Signing keys are fetched from the issuer'shttps://{ domain }/.well-known/openid-configuration endpoint.

    Type Example
    Single issuer URL ''
    Array of issuer URLs '["",""]'
    Map of issuer URLs '{ "issuer_jwks_map": { "": "", "": "" } }'
  8. Set your Identity Map. Refer to Identity Map configuration.

      server.identity_map.configuration = ' /^(.*)@cockroachlabs\.com$ \1';
  9. Enable token generation.

    This will also enable the Token Generation button to appear in the DB Console.

      server.oidc_authentication.generate_cluster_sso_token.enabled = true;
  10. Configure how the user's identity will be displayed by setting server.oidc_authentication.generate_cluster_sso_toke.use_token to either id_token or access_token, depending on the structure of the JWTs issued by your IdP.

      server.oidc_authentication.generate_cluster_sso_token.use_token = id_token;

How CockroachDB determines the SQL username from a JWT

  1. server.jwt_authentication.claim determines which field to use to identify the external user. This must match a SQL user via the identity map.
  2. server.identity_map.configuration maps that claim (along with the token’s issuer) to a SQL username.

Identity Map configuration

Th cluster setting server.identity_map.configuration holds your cluster's identity map configuration, which tells your cluster how to map external identities to SQL users. This is functionally similar to PostgreSQL's User Name Map.


Each line potentially maps many external identities to one SQL user, and a configuration can contain multiple lines, so the mapping can be many-to-many. The cluster checks to see if the SQL username given in the connection request matches the identity in the token by any of the lines in the Identity Map.

The format of an identity map configuration is a space-separated triple consisting of:

<external issuer> <external user ID> <SQL username>


  • /^(.*)@cockroachlabs\.com$ \1

    Maps every cockroachlabs email to a SQL user with the same username. That is, the part of the email address to the left of the @). For example, becomes docs.

  • 1232316645658094244789 roach

    Maps a single external identity with the hard-coded ID to the SQL user roach.

  • /^([9-0]*)$ gcp_\1

    Maps each GCP-provisioned service account to a SQL user named gcp_{ GCP user ID }. For example, gcp_1234567 for a service account with ID 1234567.

Authenticate to your cluster

Once ConsoleDB SSO and Cluster SSO with JWTs are enabled and your cluster is properly configured (including mapping authorized external users to SQL roles), users can self-provision auth tokens through a sign-in flow embedded in the DB Console. These tokens (JWTs) are intended as short-lived credentials, and although their expiry depends on the IdP configuration, it is usually 1 hour.


This example uses cockroach sql, but you can use any SQL client that supports sufficiently long passwords.

  1. Obtain a token.

    Go to your cluster's DB Console and click the Generate JWT auth token for cluster SSO button

  2. Use the token in place of a password in your database connection string.

    cockroach sql --url "postgresql://{SQL_USERNAME}:{JWT_TOKEN}@{CLUSTER_HOST}:26257?options=--crdb:jwt_auth_enabled=true" --certs-dir={CLUSTER_CERT_DIR}
    Welcome to the cockroach SQL interface...

What's Next?

  • Learn more about Authentication in CockroachDB.
  • This Cockroach Labs blog post covers and provides further resources for a variety of auth token-issuing use cases, including using Okta and Google Cloud Platform to issue tokens.

See also

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