Build a Python App with CockroachDB and psycopg2

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This tutorial shows you how build a simple Python application with CockroachDB and the psycopg2 driver.

Step 1. Start CockroachDB

Choose your installation method

You can create a CockroachDB Serverless cluster using either the CockroachDB Cloud Console, a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) tool, or ccloud, a command-line interface (CLI) tool.

Create a free cluster


Organizations without billing information on file can only create one CockroachDB Basic cluster.

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a CockroachDB Cloud account.
  2. Log in to your CockroachDB Cloud account.
  3. On the Clusters page, click Create cluster.
  4. On the Select a plan page, select Basic.
  5. On the Cloud & Regions page, select a cloud provider (GCP or AWS) in the Cloud provider section.
  6. In the Regions section, select a region for the cluster. Refer to CockroachDB Cloud Regions for the regions where CockroachDB Basic clusters can be deployed. To create a multi-region cluster, click Add region and select additional regions.
  7. Click Next: Capacity.
  8. On the Capacity page, select Start for free. Click Next: Finalize.
  9. On the Finalize page, click Create cluster.

    Your cluster will be created in a few seconds and the Create SQL user dialog will display.

Create a SQL user

The Create SQL user dialog allows you to create a new SQL user and password.

  1. Enter a username in the SQL user field or use the one provided by default.
  2. Click Generate & save password.
  3. Copy the generated password and save it in a secure location.
  4. Click Next.

    Currently, all new SQL users are created with admin privileges. For more information and to change the default settings, see Manage SQL users on a cluster.

Get the root certificate

The Connect to cluster dialog shows information about how to connect to your cluster.

  1. Select General connection string from the Select option dropdown.
  2. Open a new terminal on your local machine, and run the CA Cert download command provided in the Download CA Cert section. The client driver used in this tutorial requires this certificate to connect to CockroachDB Cloud.

Get the connection string

Open the General connection string section, then copy the connection string provided and save it in a secure location.


The connection string is pre-populated with your username, password, cluster name, and other details. Your password, in particular, will be provided only once. Save it in a secure place (Cockroach Labs recommends a password manager) to connect to your cluster in the future. If you forget your password, you can reset it by going to the SQL Users page for the cluster, found at<CLUSTER ID>/users.

Follow these steps to create a CockroachDB Serverless cluster using the ccloud CLI tool.


The ccloud CLI tool is in Preview.

Install ccloud

Choose your OS:

You can install ccloud using either Homebrew or by downloading the binary.

Use Homebrew

  1. Install Homebrew.
  2. Install using the ccloud tap:

    brew install cockroachdb/tap/ccloud

Download the binary

In a terminal, enter the following command to download and extract the ccloud binary and add it to your PATH:

curl | tar -xJ && cp -i ccloud /usr/local/bin/

Use the ARM 64 binary if you have an M-series Mac:

curl | tar -xJ && cp -i ccloud /usr/local/bin/

In a terminal, enter the following command to download and extract the ccloud binary and add it to your PATH:

curl | tar -xz && cp -i ccloud /usr/local/bin/

In a PowerShell window, enter the following command to download and extract the ccloud binary and add it to your PATH:

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"; [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'; $null = New-Item -Type Directory -Force $env:appdata/ccloud; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile; Expand-Archive -Force -Path; Copy-Item -Force ccloud/ccloud.exe -Destination $env:appdata/ccloud; $Env:PATH += ";$env:appdata/ccloud"; # We recommend adding ";$env:appdata/ccloud" to the Path variable for your system environment. See for more information.

Run ccloud quickstart to create a new cluster, create a SQL user, and retrieve the connection string.

The easiest way of getting started with CockroachDB Cloud is to use ccloud quickstart. The ccloud quickstart command guides you through logging in to CockroachDB Cloud, creating a new CockroachDB Serverless cluster, and connecting to the new cluster. Run ccloud quickstart and follow the instructions:

ccloud quickstart

The ccloud quickstart command will open a browser window to log you in to CockroachDB Cloud. If you are new to CockroachDB Cloud, you can register using one of the single sign-on (SSO) options, or create a new account using an email address.

The ccloud quickstart command will prompt you for the cluster name, cloud provider, and cloud provider region, then ask if you want to connect to the cluster. Each prompt has default values that you can select, or change if you want a different option.

Select General connection string, then copy the connection string displayed and save it in a secure location. The connection string is the line starting postgresql://.

? How would you like to connect? General connection string
Retrieving cluster info: succeeded
 Downloading cluster cert to /Users/maxroach/.postgresql/root.crt: succeeded

  1. If you haven't already, download the CockroachDB binary.
  2. Run the cockroach start-single-node command:

    $ cockroach start-single-node --advertise-addr 'localhost' --insecure

    This starts an insecure, single-node cluster.

  3. Take note of the following connection information in the SQL shell welcome text:

    CockroachDB node starting at 2021-08-30 17:25:30.06524 +0000 UTC (took 4.3s)
    build:               CCL v21.1.6 @ 2021/07/20 15:33:43 (go1.15.11)
    webui:               http://localhost:8080
    sql:                 postgresql://root@localhost:26257?sslmode=disable

    You'll use the sql connection string to connect to the cluster later in this tutorial.


The --insecure flag used in this tutorial is intended for non-production testing only. To run CockroachDB in production, use a secure cluster instead.

Step 2. Get the sample code

Clone the sample code's GitHub repo:

$ git clone

The sample code in does the following:

  • Creates an accounts table and inserts some rows
  • Transfers funds between two accounts inside a transaction
  • Deletes the accounts from the table before exiting so you can re-run the example code

To handle transaction retry errors, the code uses an application-level retry loop that, in case of error, sleeps before trying the funds transfer again. If it encounters another retry error, it sleeps for a longer interval, implementing exponential backoff.

Step 3. Install the psycopg2 driver

psycopg2-binary is the sample app's only third-party module dependency.

To install psycopg2-binary, run the following command:

$ pip install psycopg2-binary

For other ways to install psycopg2, see the official documentation.

Step 4. Run the code

  1. Set the DATABASE_URL environment variable to the connection string to your cluster:

    $ export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://root@localhost:26257/defaultdb?sslmode=disable"
    $ export DATABASE_URL="{connection-string}"

    Where {connection-string} is the connection string you copied earlier.

    The app uses the connection string saved to the DATABASE_URL environment variable to connect to your cluster and execute the code.

  2. Run the code:

    $ cd hello-world-python-psycopg2
    $ python

    The output should show the account balances before and after the funds transfer:

    Balances at Thu Aug  4 15:51:03 2022:
    account id: 2e964b45-2034-49a7-8ab8-c5d0082b71f1  balance: $1000
    account id: 889cb1eb-b747-46f4-afd0-15d70844147f  balance: $250
    Balances at Thu Aug  4 15:51:03 2022:
    account id: 2e964b45-2034-49a7-8ab8-c5d0082b71f1  balance: $900
    account id: 889cb1eb-b747-46f4-afd0-15d70844147f  balance: $350

What's next?

Read more about using the Python psycopg2 driver.

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